mwood, if you watched tonight (cringing under your table!) were you more impressed with tonight's offerings!The judges seemed extra-pleased.
Apr 17, 5:25am
the blonde woman should have gone home tonight and last week as well. Her lamb dish looked like an abomination, as did her dish last week. I know why she is still there.she is purty eye candy.
Apr 17, 5:57am
Apr 17, 6:07am
It really did look as though someone had projectile vomited onto the plate.
Apr 17, 3:22pm
She did get in the top two to go to Melbourne though, didn't she! Agree about the blonde one.
Apr 17, 4:37pm
Yes it was a reflection of everyone's abilities - FAIL ! They should all have been sent home including the "judges"
Apr 17, 6:22pm
Please send them all to cook at my place, in rotation ;)
lol.I cant help but wonder why people who find the show not to their 'taste' bother to watch it.Is it just so they can complain about it!
Apr 17, 9:07pm
Because River Cottage is on the other Channel LOL
Apr 17, 10:51pm
It's worth being reminded that TV viewers are always being manipulated - even in a live-to-air broadcast there are ranks of sub-editors switching camera feeds.
Apr 17, 10:59pm
One pearl of wisdom, "if you eat the foods you really truly enjoy, you'll find you want less of them". (Elliehen)
This is the philosophy shared in French Women don't get Fat by Mireille Guiliano - a book well worth reading if you haven't done so already!
Apr 17, 11:04pm
pompom, thanks.I'd read about the book, but haven't read it.
I'm very interested to know that the quote comes from there.That makes it even more credible :)
Edit to say 'article' isn't quite the right word I guess.
Apr 18, 2:04am
That's the internet for you!
Whatever you look for, you'll find - disaffected punters, tabloid vendettas, half-truths, pseudo-science.sounds just like the TM messageboards ;)
Apr 18, 2:10am
I'm sticking with Ray McVinnie.He cooks good food from fresh ingredients, publishes good cookbooks and he's not a chubby chef - neither are his family chubbies.I've seen their pics ;)
Apr 18, 2:15am
I think Ray would be a better authority. I think people like him tend to be skinny, knowledgeable, high achiever, usually a loner & eccentric.
Well, thats just my personal observation of some people I know who are at the top of their culinary field.
Apr 18, 2:17am
In saying that, I wonder how does Mireille Guiliano diet plan looks like.
Apr 18, 2:17am
Interesting to learn in the interview that his university degree is in history.
Apr 18, 2:19am
Here's her official website, but I haven't looked at it yet.
That is quite applicable. When I saw the masterclass he went on about the history of rice, and I thought 'wow, he knows his shitz'. Then again, if you write for cuisine magazine, most articles would spend some time about the history of ingredients, processes, etc.
Apr 18, 6:24am
.and even when you study to be a chef. it's a large part of the course.
Apr 21, 5:31am
Loved the Black Barn chefs recipe tonight.
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