Actually, the 'queasy' for me is more the leering look in the eyes of one of the judges when a pretty woman is presenting her food to them.
Apr 4, 1:51pm
Eowwwww never noticed now I'll be on high alert
Apr 5, 2:12am
Poor woman ellie .
Apr 5, 8:01am
Please tell me davidt is not related to Zen o.o I find him completely arrogant and he should have gone home a few weeks ago. This season has to be the weakest by far. Not only do some of them seem to be weak in the cooking department but the majority of them don't even seem to be passionate about food. Unlike season 1 and 2.
I fear Charlene clearly the best cook and most passionate is likely to go down the Jax route of total meltdown.
Also Brenton chop your hair.
Apr 5, 4:24pm
Unlikely - as davidt4 is female LOL :)
Apr 5, 5:41pm
No I'm not related to Zen, in fact I'm not sure which one he or she is.
Apr 5, 5:53pm
Zen is the bald guy with glasses who thought he'd made a stunning Thai dish only to be put right by the judges. I think it's time Dave took a hike. Big disappointment, he is, after winning the special apron at the start. I see that the masterclasses start soon.
Apr 5, 6:09pm
Oh him.He was completely deluded about his Massaman curry poor soul.
I've got my money on Brenton (dreads) and Charlene at the moment.
Apr 5, 6:12pm
Yes, I like Brenton's attitude - and cooking.
Apr 5, 6:15pm
Brenton steps up really well in the team challenges.I like his attitude too.
Apr 5, 6:16pm
Tomorrow, Saturday 7.30pm.
Apr 5, 6:18pm
I like Brenton as well, he doesn't seem to be getting much credit so far for all the work he does helping his teams in the challenges.
Apr 5, 7:41pm
I think Brenton's dreadlocks are much less likely to drop stray hairs into the food than any of the others' wispy locks floating about their necks and foreheads under the bandanas ;)
Apr 5, 7:57pm
Maybe so but he would look so much better with it gone.
Apr 5, 8:00pm
I suspect it might be a religious thing with Brenton and his hair.
Apr 5, 8:10pm
I agree ellie, he always seems to have them wrapped in the challenges
Apr 5, 11:40pm
Now this is very "unusual" for you to say ellie :)
Apr 5, 11:44pm
He could be a Rastafarian! They have dreadlocks.
Apr 6, 12:19am
You are following my posts all over the boards with some very cryptic comments.
But please don't bother to explain.the mystery is more fun :)
Apr 6, 8:57pm
Well - since I am only online for a few hours each day (and not even every day) - then yes it might seems if I would "follow" you.
The reality is of course - that I couldn't be "f****d" less than "following" you ellie - it is more like - "heck - here SHE is AGAIN!"
Apr 6, 9:08pm
.and a happy Easter weekend to you too :)
Apr 6, 9:12pm
Oh thanks ellie . Whatever "Easter" means to YOU!
Apr 6, 9:56pm
I suspect Tony might do rather well, despite hiding below the radar so far.He knuckles down, works hard and seems to be relatively consistent in producing good results.
Apr 6, 11:10pm
After the Masterchef show last week which was shot at La Cigale in Parnell, the La Cigale French Market was overun today - busy as!
Apr 7, 2:04am
Might last for another week or two .
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