I don't like the NZ judges, Ray McVinnie in particular, hes a sarcastic sod, the aussie judges even on the adult masterchef are far nicer.
Mar 28, 6:09pm
I agree - re the "romance" - waste of time
Mar 28, 6:12pm
and having the token homos on board as well
Mar 28, 6:50pm
Token people all over the kitchen.
Token old person, token piercings/hip person, token brown person, token 'personality' person, token homebody-mother person.
However, no token only-a-mother-could-love-it-pe- rson ;)You have to be superficially attractive to be on TV.
Mar 28, 8:23pm
Been reading the posts so chipping in my 2cents worth. I agree that this year the show is not as good as previous. I actually like the mix of judges and keep an open mind as it just a TV show. But I reckon I can do much better than many of the contestants on the show this year and as I am older feel that fronting up to have a go will also subject me to tokenism. So far the youngest, the oldest and the pierced one has been eliminated so I watch with interest to see the perceived 'attractiveness' for TV as opposed to actual cooking talent eventuates. No-one over 45 is going to win it are they! We, as in the general public, do not need to know about houses romances, lets focus on the food. But this is TV, just another reality show, and I wait to see if it improves. It cannot get much worse than the show earlier this week.
Mar 28, 9:29pm
What's a token homo!
Mar 28, 9:40pm
I'd like to think a token home-maker ;)
Mar 28, 9:58pm
Thanks elliehen. That makes perfect sense:-)
Apr 2, 1:08am
This weeks episode was shot at La Cigale, St Georges Bay Rdin Parnellwhere I sell gourmet yummies at weekends - you'll love the environment.
Apr 2, 1:47am
Whataspoilsport - nothing like a little romance in life- you should have tried it at least once- it might have brightened up your narrow littlecopy and pasterecipes Virtual Life here on the Community Board. You need to get out more.
Apr 2, 4:55am
Ha Ha.I think you are confusing me with someone else.
Apr 2, 3:16pm
You'll be watching the La Cigale episode of Masterchef tonight, despite the yukky romantic bits I presume. You should come down to La CigaleFrench Market in St Georges BayRdParnell one Saturday morning - it's easily the best food market in Auckland - even you might be impressed!
Strangely enough, it seems to attract large numbers of overseas touriststhese days. A tasteof France in Godzone perhaps!
That's the one!Great atmosphere - attracts lots of peoplewho drop by for a coffee and a pastry - and pick up a few yummies
Apr 2, 6:55pm
My two cents also, think it is a very poor programme this year, the worst out of the three.Time to put the programme to rest me thinks.And who the hell cares about the romance, probably very off-putting for the other contestants in the house.As OP says, would be nice to see some decent cooking for a change.
Apr 3, 2:25am
But it's not really a cooking show.It's Reality TV aimed at drawing in the same people who watch Idol programmes and similar ephemera.So the so-called 'queasy romance' fits right in.
I was chatting to two chefs at the weekend and asked them if they watched the programme.No.didn't interest them.
Apr 3, 3:51am
Saturday 7.30pm - the REAL cooking show.This is the first Masterchef Masterclass and that really will be worth watching.
Apr 3, 3:51am
REALLY REALLY worth watching .
Apr 3, 4:05am
Interesting tonight that the hard-to-woo Frenchman was finally won over :)
Apr 3, 4:19am
Interesting too that several of them knew virtually nothing about cooking French food.
Apr 3, 4:35am
I was out and had to watch it on demand which cut off before they said the result! Was it a cliffhanger episode or did they say which team won!
Apr 3, 4:38am
Red Team won by about 12 points, so the lowest scoring person on the blue team went home.
Apr 3, 5:00am
The La Cigale chef seemed to be running the kitchen - it would have been a real test if they had just been left to it.Instead, they had a top chef correcting them as they went along - more of a listening test than a cooking test!
Apr 3, 1:33pm
I thought the "romance" made the programme a bit amateurish. Some very good cooks but highlights some idiotic behaviour also. Easy to see who deserves to go home already.
Apr 3, 2:34pm
If we sent home everyone who fell in love, there wouldn't be anyone left in New Zealand, excepta lot of people from thisboard!I think it's great when two people find each other - even if it is on a reality show on national television. But then, I'm a bloke - what would I Know about love! I thought it was women who were romantics - but obviously not here!
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