Mutton birds?

geedubu, Feb 17, 3:19am
Any avialble, at any price right now!

trudznz, Feb 17, 9:39am
What do you do with them! By that I mean prep/cooking.I've seen them in a local fish market and would be keen to try one, but would have no idea what to do with it once I'd got it home. TIA

shop-a-holic, Feb 17, 9:54am
Are they here already! Surely no.!

seniorbones, Feb 17, 11:16am
put in a pot preferably outside because they will stink your house out! not sure how long for and then i think you also cook in the oven until crispy.good to eat but smelly to cook!

trudznz, Feb 17, 12:03pm
It was ages ago that I saw them. Probably 'last season'.

geedubu, Feb 17, 9:53pm
Yep I'm not allowed to cook them inside!