Just read another post on here and a lady grates then freezes her zucchini - great idea as have such an excess at the moment. Can I freeze beans without blanching/cooking them first! I wont bother if i have to do that but if i can just wash chop and freeze then I might do my excess of these rather than give them away to everyone, TIA
Jan 30, 11:03pm
Beans - yes slice finely, put into bags then freeze.Great to stir fry from frozen. Zucchini - I've given up with this - don't like it once frozen.Haven't tried the grating though except to put it on a salad!
Jan 30, 11:28pm
Beans.blanche for 3 mins and then into cold/iced water.just snip the ends off ONLY.dont cut up until you take them out to use. dry well, vacuum pack and label.I use mine like this from season to season giving me a constant yearly supply. Zucchini. pick smaller ones, the thickness of a sausage, slice, skin on and blanche for 2 mins then into cold/iced water. dry well immediately, vacuum pack and label. Now you can use these in casseroles etc or simply take out enough for your side dish, into a pan with butter, salt and white pepper and a little processed parsley.or herb of your choice. Fry these until golden brown and turn over, seasoning the other side.
Jan 30, 11:28pm
Beans.blanche for 3 mins and then into cold/iced water.just snip the ends off ONLY.dont cut up until you take them out to use. dry well, vacuum pack and label.I use mine like this from season to season giving me a constant yearly supply. It really doesn't take long and think of the savings when they are 12.95 a kilo in winter. Zucchini. pick smaller ones, the thickness of a sausage, slice, skin on and blanche for 2 mins then into cold/iced water. dry well immediately, vacuum pack and label. Now you can use these in casseroles etc or simply take out enough for your side dish, into a pan with butter, salt and white pepper and a little processed parsley.or herb of your choice. Fry these until golden brown and turn over, seasoning the other side.
Jan 30, 11:46pm
fisher why do you say not to cut the beans up before freezing! I am interested as I need to freeze some beans too :)
Jan 31, 1:20am
I tried grating zucchini last year and when I went to use it it turned a horrible grey colour! I meant to try again using it frozen but ended up throwing it out. I always used to cut up my beans before blanching then freezing.
Jan 31, 2:29am
Have always cut beans then blanched before freezing, especially climbing beans.The smaller french or butter beans can be done whole.they look nice on the plate.
Jan 31, 11:29am
To all you blanchers out there.Have a go at freezing - slicing (or not) the beans your way without blanching.You may be surprised.Just do the one bag this year - you may want to do them all that way next season.Anything that saves time works well for me.
Jan 31, 7:04pm
mine are just coming into 'beans' now! I was late planting but its so loaded I will have to freeze, I will definately try no blanching it would be so much quicker!
Feb 1, 1:49pm
Always frozen my beans for years without blanching, just slice and pop into bags and freeze.Only use grated zucchini frozen, the other way sliced seems too bitter to me.
Feb 3, 3:42pm
What about cabbage and cauliflower!Can you just slice and cut up to freeze or do you have to blanche as well before freezing!
Feb 3, 5:47pm
Cauli - if you don't blanch, it falls to bits as it becomes very brittle when frozen.I tried one year but have resorted to blanching again.All I do is pop the prepared cauli (or broccoli) into a 2L pyrex jug, I then cover it with boiling water and leave for a couple of mins then I drain and pop on a tray to freeze.
Feb 3, 8:49pm
And cabbage!
Feb 3, 9:07pm
Have never frozen cabbage, would become a bit watery I think, correct me if I am wrong.I freeze cauli and broccoli without blanching, just wash, drain and put into little bags,pop frozen into boling water when required.
Feb 4, 2:53am
after grating the zucchini, leave it in a bowl for 5-10 min then squeeze most of the fluid out.[you can drink it if you like] it then holds better for making muffins etc,and still good to go and make bulk for winter soup. I read that its best to have beans fairly big when freezing directly. so thats how Ive done mine this year, also left them for 1/2 day to dry out a bit so not too muchfluid in them either to try to reduce the leathery effect. wont know if its worked until laterin the year.
Feb 4, 12:54pm
Zucchini - no, it goes soggy once it's been frozen.
Feb 4, 9:51pm
I find that no matter how I do the beans- blanched or not - after 2-3 months they have a "freezer" taste & that ruins them for me
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