Pukeko Junction Caramel Oat Slice Ingredients: 200g softened butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/2 cups plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 125 grams butter 2 tablespoons golden syrup 1 can sweetened condensed milk' 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup shredded coconut 80 grams melted butter
METHOD: for the base cream butter and sugar add vanilla fold in flour and baking powder then pack into a sponge roll tin or a 20 cm round tin. lined with baking paper. fan bake 15-20 mins at 160 till a little browned.
Apr 14, 1:52am
cont. Caramel put in a microwave proof bowl the golden syrup condensed milk and butter microwave for 3 mins then whisk.it will thicken takes a while. Put caramel over the base then make the topping mix together oats brown sugar coconut and butter. sprinkle over caramel and bake again at 180 fan for 10-15 mins. refrigerate well before cutting.Orange sauce.Cut up oranges in bowl sweeten with honey and microwave for a couple of mins if I want this thickened I use arrowroot.Enjoy
Apr 14, 2:58am
Sam Have a chocolate cake recipe as well just have to find it.
Apr 14, 3:10am
bumpping for carrot cake too, will keep the kids busy for a while !
Apr 14, 4:05pm
Keeping this up as great interest is being shown. =^.^=
Apr 14, 11:15pm
deus701 noted a time frame but possibly still looking for that recipe. Most here have their fingers crossed.
Apr 14, 11:27pm
If the poor girl is packing up to move AND has birthday parties AND kids, she may not be able to lay her hands on it. but nice of her to try.
Apr 19, 12:58am
I can but where and how do I post. someone help!
Apr 19, 1:41am
Hi timturtle. The photo is on my profile.along withe chocolate cake nd caramel slice.
Apr 19, 2:23am
Thanks for that . That will try next time a bit tired now lol lol I havent done a baking sint for awhile been keeping away from the baking.lol lol
Apr 19, 2:48pm
The best carrot cake ever. Thanks for this recipe - made it last night to take up north for my grandson's birthday.Cut two sides away to eat with our dinner and it was just f a b u l o u s!
Apr 21, 7:53am
thats awesome! anyone else made it yet!
Apr 24, 7:45pm
bump !
Apr 25, 1:28am
Carrot cake Motueka caught my eye as I grew uo there as a chid and haven't been back for many years. Zapped through the posts but missed the tin size if making 1 cake .is it a 30cm sq tin!
Apr 25, 1:33am
jrsg, post#136 "OK, this is a great traditional-type carrot cake, with excellent taste and texture, though a special-occasion version rather than an el cheapo one. It's being demolished behind me now. BTW I baked half a mix in a 23cm ring tin, which was just the right size. Thanks hairchopper! annie.nz (90 )3:45 pm, 18 Apr":-))
Apr 25, 1:37am
tin size Hi I baked 2 one in a 30cm round tin and 32cm x 22cm rectangle tin.You will love this cake! cheers
Apr 25, 1:56am
svx1 Was that 2 cakes from the one lot of mixture! I,m having a go tomorrow as I have everything except enough CARROTS! lol
Apr 25, 2:06am
hiya. No its 2 mixtures I made 1the first in the round tin, the nextdayI made in the rectangle tin but in the second cake I cut the oil down to 1 1/4 cups and 1/2 cup of orange juice and rind of 2 oranges and thats the way I am making it now as I prefer less oil and the orange makes it just super devine!Also in the round tin I found I cooked it for 1.20mins and the other tin only 1 hr my oven cooks fast.Just keep an eye on it when cooking as eveyones ovens are different,enjoy!
Apr 25, 2:13am
thanks for the tips My oven cooks at a higher temp than what it shows.In fact its the next thing on the big shopping list. I can almost smell the cakes! A favourite lunch place where I live in Whangarei closed down some months back and everyone was so sad as they had the best ever sausage rolls. We were cheeky enough to go over and ask for the recipe and lucky enough to be given it.Its always worth asking places for recipes as some don't mind giving them away.
Apr 25, 5:40am
Oh jrsg love. to have that recipe.pretty please thanks!
Apr 25, 5:20pm
In the oven now in my big 28cm round cake tin! Tastes pretty good raw- will be freezing it and icing it next weekend for a big family get together before we go to visit daughter in the UK. First use of my big tin which I bought from More Wilsons last year for other daughters wedding cake- only she decided on square and not round - so now I have a lovely set of new round cake tins and had to scrounge around for square ones to borrow!
Apr 26, 6:16pm
bumping up. sausage roll recipe would be lovely to have.
Apr 26, 8:52pm
Well, it looks pretty good. freezing it for the weekend- watch this space next weekend!
Apr 26, 11:50pm
Bump We want that sausage roll recipe!
Apr 26, 11:59pm
for everyone wanting the sausage roll recipe - earlier today I started a new thread to draw jrsg's attention to all your requests for the recipe that everyone seems to have been tempted with and I've just bumped that thread again so hopefully she'll see it this evening.
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