yes . a nice change to a new address can be great for the soul. lots of fun but lots of stress as well.nice when the plan is all finished.think we pretty settled now in our little cottage by the sea.:}hawaii, oahu and maui for us in Early March. then onto fiji to have a look-see around the main Island before the regime stops folks/tourists coming to their Island.
Jan 10, 1:08am
Hokey Pokey ice cream in serving bowl. sliced fresh strawberries over the top. squeeze maple syrup all over and a dusting of icing sugar.few wafers stuck in.looks good and tastes even better as the maple syrup enhances the flavour of the ice cream.
Jan 10, 1:09am
Hey again.Fisher, we were camping in the Marlborough Sounds for Christmas. apart from a good soaking for three days we had a lovely time. got the boat out a few times. and just chillaxed.Great stuff. we needed it as we were packing to leave when the big quakes hit on the 23rd! lol.For the big one, mr was 'in' the boat packing and I was standing talking to him. nek minnit. the quake hit, I grabbed the boat. but it was flip flopping so badly I let go again. Mr was standing in it 'surfing' for a while!Glad you and K had a lovely christmas. your cottage by the sea sounds DE-vine! ;-)
Jan 10, 1:10am
twinny posting fisherman
Jan 10, 1:13am
Wer'e talking rural fisher.cannot wait to go back rural. We love our house which is a gorgeous 1930s Californian bungalow, but we just dont like town ( bearing in mind that town here is nothing like town in Auckland!) still, when you have been used to anywhere from two to 76 acres ( that was our last place, overlooking the Ruamahunga River) and you move into town. it just doesn't cut it!
Jan 10, 1:26am
I love Californian bungalows. there is a very well known one here in Chch, must try and find out how if fared.
Jan 10, 1:28am
Is that what she calls 'sunny side up' then fisher !Or does it have to be fried for that!
Jan 10, 1:28am
Oh, do you mean the one on the corner of whatta wotsit charlieb2, it's done in very dark brown, with stone!If so, it's lost its chimneys, but otherwise looks good.
Jan 10, 1:31am
wow. nearly all my favourites in one thread. What are you doing over here in Dangerousville, sweets! lol
Yeah, thats the one I mean. Is it memorial or Fendalton Road. Glad to hear its still there. I have a very soft spot for it
Jan 10, 1:32am
Everything is sunny side up,when you have a bourbon (or alcohol of choice) in hand ellie!
Jan 10, 1:34am
Memorial Avenue and hmmm Straven Road!
Jan 10, 1:34am
Heh, living dangerously - this is the most active forum at the moment. . .
I think it's Memorial, isn't it!I'm shite on road names - I navigate by shoe shops and hotels.
Jan 10, 1:36am
* sits with a tear in eye * so glad to be back here have been sooo bored the last wee while. sniff*
Jan 10, 1:37am
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Jan 10, 1:45am
ooh ooh ooh. I have a butlers pantry too.Well actually I don't but hubby is going to put shelves in my laundry which is just off the kitchen lol. And I am going to call it a "butlers pantry."
Jan 10, 1:49am
If it walks like a butlers pantry.You got yourself a Butlers Pantry toadie!
Jan 10, 1:56am
Yep, exactly
Jan 10, 2:24am
an egg is an egg is an egg. stuff a few up but still eat I got a big double door pantry.just got to figure out what a butlers pantry is!/
Jan 10, 2:25am
A MUCH bigger one - as he needs to clean the silver in it too .
Jan 10, 2:33am
Clearly.It's a Laundry with shelves lolololol. (Well thats my story and I'm sticking to it)
But when the laundry goes into the garage. which is yet to be built lol, then I will have a bench, cupboards and another sink in there. Somewhere to store all those bulky appliances and platters. spare groceries. Keeps the clutter out of the kitchen. I have wanted one for ages.
Jan 10, 2:34am
It was used in large country houses and usually had a sink and lots of shelves and cupboards to store all your pantry essentials, especially if you had large bags of flour etc. Today, most people have their fridge, all their appliances and tinned stuff etc in there. I just want an area for all my loose bits of cookware, all my pantry essentials etc. Toadfish, when we lived up by the river, we had a small room behind a sliding door in the kitchen and we put the chrome 5 tier shelving in it. I had all my dinnerware, glassware etc on one lot and all my tinned and packeted stuff on another, plus dry goods etc.
Jan 10, 2:38am
mmmm Never thought of the fridge. think I am happier with that closer as I use it often.I will have my chest freezer in it to start with, and being on tank water I am thinking of changing back to a front loader as they use alot less water. That in turn gives me a small bench next to the tub.
Jan 10, 2:43am
Rushes off to tell hubby l want a butlers pantry too, in my laundry,lol
Jan 10, 2:46am
Lol. A "Toadie Butlers Pantry = TBP" I can see the trend spreading the country. BUT and its a big but. your laundry does have to be relatively close to your kitchen. Not sure if you can even have a TBP at the other end of the house lol
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