Just felt like saying hi hehe. Feel like dinner but im home alone. poached eggs i think it is :)
Jan 9, 10:46pm
Sounds great! Do you like your yolks runny!
Jan 9, 10:47pm
lol Hello. Poached eggs sounds good to me. Especially on vogels toast. mmmm :)
Jan 9, 10:50pm
Runny yolks are awesome but hate it when you get the small bit of uncooked white its off putting so i tend to make them soft/runny. Hubbys the poached egg master in this house :)
Jan 9, 10:56pm
My dear lady has had a few goes at getting mine right. spot on now.whites cooked nicely and still runny heading towards the hard side. LOL. go cook me some eggs wench.:}hahahahaha.and while your at it pour me a bourbon.
Jan 9, 11:04pm
hee hee. evening fisherman!
I find the uncooked white very off-putting as well. definitely a fan of a nicely runny yolk though
Jan 9, 11:27pm
haha you must be doing something right there fisher :)
Jan 9, 11:29pm
Had some the other day done with a good dash of lemon juice instead of vinegar in the water, very nice.
Jan 9, 11:32pm
Helloooo back atcha waving madly,poached eggs yum with Heinz tomato ketchup.
Jan 9, 11:42pm
Well hellllllooooo eyesonly1. Welcome back!
Enjoy your eggs.
Jan 9, 11:48pm
HI TOADY :) so glad to be back!
Jan 9, 11:52pm
hey charlie b and toady. hope you xmas went well and you imbibed well over the new year.I got away with cooking and watched sis cook dinner while i sat with the boys and skulled beers in the hot sun. I made the melva pudding and supplied all the veges from the garden for the xmas dinner.new agria spuds were soooooo nice with butter, parsley, garlic and mint all over.new whole baby carrots with the stalks on. and baby beetroot , roasted.big courgettes got the garlic, butter treatment. How did you guys go!
Jan 9, 11:56pm
eyesonly01.how cool to see you here. Hi fisher, toady ,charlie valentino ( love that name lol) and glynsmum how are you all! I have just been eating HUGE strawberries that DH has just picked from the garden!
Jan 9, 11:58pm
Hi cook! definitely binged on the strawberries these holidays but im LOVING the fresh sweetcorn. mmm butter sweetcorn
Jan 10, 12:00am
Love sweetcorn too.dont you love all the fresh summer fruit and vege!
Jan 10, 12:02am
Hi Fisher. We had an. mmmm. unusual Christmas, apart from Christmas day. S & I cleaned, decluttered and tittivated the whole time. as out house is on the market. Looking forward to a rest. Christmas dinner was the same it is every year, cooked by my ma.A stuffed Turkey breast from Faros, ham, chipolatas, mums special stuffing balls wrapped in streaky bacon (our families no1favourite!) Potatoes, kumera, parsnip roasted. new potatoes. Followed by Christmas Pud that uses my Great great Grandmothers recipe. served with make yourself drunk brandy butter. the menu is the same very year. AND DELICOUS!
Now Boxing Dayl. thats a whole other story our "Waifs & Strays" BBQ (anyone that wan't busy Boxing day evening) Tandoori Chicken Thighs, sausages, rice salad, Pavalova. Plus all the contirbutions others brought. fantastic.
Jan 10, 12:03am
hey cookie.1.99 a punnet up here. (you know what a punnet is huh:}} lol) so it's sliced up with maple syrup. and icing sugar and hokey pokey ice cream and some wafers.how kiwi is that.:}
Jan 10, 12:04am
Maple syrup!Ma & Pa brought me some back from Canada in a really lovely Maple leaf bottle. now I know how to use some of it.
Jan 10, 12:10am
Summer fruit and vege. just couldn't be summer without em. Trying out my new cook book though. Free range in the city. Next im going to try the spinach and ricotta gnocchi with walnut butter i could have drooled when i saw them. Toadfish your christmas sounds. delicious :) Love stuffing but we had no turkey this year so didn't make any for the table.sigh
Jan 10, 12:10am
Virtually spot on Fisher though without the Maple but sifted icing sugar over cut sides of strawberries then the ice cream - yes, Hokey Pokey at that, oh, do like that sort of jelly tip strawberry Tip Top icecream tooo.
Oh, top it off with a butterscotch syrup.
Jan 10, 12:11am
Hey toady.regards to S and of course your luvly girls.you wouldn't recognize the rear yard and fences you guys worked on when you were up here.remember trudging thru the gorse.!.Kathy's vision has come to fruition. it looks magnificent. so close to finishing it all.
Jan 10, 12:16am
Ummm, I dunno.what IS a punnet!is it the same as a chip!Sounds absolutley delicious too.
Jan 10, 12:17am
We have plans drawn for the house too.it looks fab, boy I have a clever hubby.
Jan 10, 12:20am
Think I have seen some photos that looked amazing.we will have to take a break in the Sunny North. goodness knows when all this house stress is over we will need one!In saying that we are booked in Coolie Rocks in June (Coollangatta). A whole week of Cars. yaaaahhh. NOT
Jan 10, 12:23am
Bring them up. I have lots of good ideas.lol Drives my clever hubby nuts
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