I like cadbury cocoa! I drink cocoa and find its the only one with a chocolately flavour! Maybe i will try homebrand next time just in case im missing out on something here!
Jan 21, 3:52am
Pams is number one for me.
Jan 21, 3:31pm
I went to try and buy some of the good stuff and got the shock of my life.Vahrona was $17.95 a packet!Yikes too much to pay for cocoa.I saw the Homebrand and it stated 100% cocoa, so I will return and buy that.I've had the same problems as everyone else with Cadburys etc. I'ts NOT cocoa as we know it that's for sure!
Jan 21, 9:02pm
zambesi, try the Dutch Cocoa, I buy it here from the local Dutch shop and I am sure it's cheaper then $17.95. New World sells Blokker cocoa, that is also a good brand.
Jan 23, 12:27am
A friend of mine & myself had a discussion about cocoa powder about a year ago. She contacted Cadbury's and I think from memory she was told that they changed where they sourced the beans from. Not sure if they had a crop failure or something but went to a new source. I guess the caco bean is a bit like the coffee bean, not all the same flavour.
Jan 23, 12:51am
My pkt of cocoa tells me it is, 100 % cocoa as well. It is full of a non caking agent. Cocoa used to have lumps in it, that is what "pure cocoa" dose, goes lumpy. We had to sieve cocoa 30 years ago, at times even knock the lumps out. I cannot find the wording on my pkt of cocoa that, it contains a non caking agent, maybeI should phone the company and ask, I will get back on this one. As we are using more cocoa, than can be produced, it won't get better. The cocoa with less filler will price itself out.
Jan 23, 1:04am
best cocoa to use for baking is nestle baking cocoa,in a red tin.is reasonably priced,i always use more than the recipe calls for,a teaspoon of vanilla essance helps with flavour for chocolate cake-ma28
Jan 23, 2:59am
you haave to look for a cocoa powder with atleast 15% fat content which is dark and alkalised. the home brand one is 21.6 % and rates as good as the valrohna or any dutch cocoa on the market its amazing and dark.
Jan 23, 3:01am
and the home brand is sold in the drinking chocolate aisle not the cocoa in baking section , but its amazing .
Jan 24, 1:16am
I make a lot of chocolate cakes and don't go past Homebrand. Lovely and dark and reasonable price.
Jan 31, 11:45am
sunvalley cocoa the only way to go
Jan 31, 12:20pm
Angel - have a read of the fine print on your Caburys 'Cocoa' . sadly you will find that it is a concoction of ingredients when it should just be 100% cocoa.
Jan 31, 12:24pm
You can also buy concentrated cocoa powder eg 20;1 its very dark almost black
Jan 31, 12:56pm
Aheeemm!You can buy Premium Dutch cocoa - DeZaan - (21% fat) right here on Trademe. It's as good as any of the Dutch brands mentioned above.
Jan 31, 8:00pm
Great thread
Feb 1, 12:10pm
So who complained when I pointed out you could buy Premium Dutch cocoa on Trademe! Absurd - considering all the posts above promoting products NOT sold on Trademe. I wonder where Trademe staff think their wages come from!
Feb 2, 2:08am
Wait until you buy the next lot, you will be disappointed.
Feb 2, 4:38am
Here's a current listing for a dark Dutch cocoa :)
Feb 2, 3:35pm
Pam's used here never had any problems
Feb 2, 3:40pm
Used Pams for the first time at the weekend and the cake I made is definitely more chocolatey than previous attempts at the same recipe using Cadburys so I'll stick with Pams now
Feb 3, 2:21am
Is the Pams in the tub the same mix as the the old cardboard packet - about the same size as Cadbury's!
Feb 4, 11:02pm
Well seems like someone should get Mark Sainsbury on Closeup to talk to several chocolate cake bakers on their feelings on Cadbury's cocoa and get Cadbury representative up to explain .here I was thinking it must be me, but the chocolate cakes of late have been pale and not really chocolatey . even the mixture looked pale.But I had not changed the measurement of any ingredients.Thank you all - I had my doubts on the quality of the cocoa.
Feb 4, 11:31pm
Like I said to another poster . "have a read of the fine print on your Caburys 'Cocoa' . sadly you will find that it is a concoction of ingredients when it should just be 100% cocoa."
Feb 5, 12:36am
So a hoard of good quality cocoa in your cupboards will be a very good investment. Better than money in the bank.
Feb 5, 8:44pm
I buy dutch cocoa of TM. I have posted (your details) that in the past. Must get some more - I cant stand any that I have bought from supermarkets, although the Trade Aid one isnt too bad.
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