Lots of good ideas further up already - so I just want to say "Treats that don't require much sugar! Is there such a thing!" makes me think what people think is "a treat".
Obviously a bit of a re-think needs to happen there. Why does "a treat" have to involve sugar (or grains)! For me a treat is home cured Gravlax.
When I was a child a treat for me was to go to a restaurant for lunch and have a huge platter of meats and sausages and cold cuts and gherkins.
Jan 9, 12:52am
Take a Kg of the little cocktail sausages and some tomato sauce two of the main foorgroups covered :)
Jan 9, 1:37am
Cut celery sticks into 2-3 in lengths and fill the cavity with peanut butter, add a few rasins/sultanas on top. in the USA we called them ants on a log. a great hit. and no major highs.carrot sticks etc with a simple dip goes down well. and the '60s party fav of cheese and pineapple on tooth picks poked into an orange [hedgehogs]unless kids are under three then supervision that they put thetooth pick into the rubbish immediately.
Jan 9, 3:02am
Oh beaker - surely NOT! Do you know what those "cocktail sausages" are made of!
Jan 9, 2:38pm
The official ingredient in those are. "Re-Chop" most are about 60/80% re-chop (I know someone who used to work for huttons) They are seriously NOT FIT for human consumption! (those sizzler rubbish things are exactly the same) so if you like feeding children food stuffs (food term used loosely) that have come from products gone wrong and products off the floor then go for it lol.
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