had the last of ours tonight - I made a ham and egg pie with the last little bit.We started it on 15th December (didn't even wait for Christmas) and thanks to the lemonade and muslin trick it kept right down to the last morsel.
Jan 7, 2:50am
what is the lemonade and muslin trick.I still have a ham in the fridge.could be better than the vinegar
Jan 7, 2:51am
Sadly no, we didn't have a Christmas ham~ that's all I wanted!
Jan 7, 2:58am
Wrap the ham in baby gauze muslin which has been wetted with lemonade.Every time I take it out of the fridge to use, I add a little more lemonade.About every third day I rinse the muslin in water (just water, nothing added) wring it out and then add more lemonade.It's lasted just over three weeks which I think is pretty good.
Jan 7, 3:15am
We hae onlyjust purchased our 'Christmas ham'. YUM YUM YUM
Jan 7, 3:20am
I walked past a house today where the Christmas ham had been thrown out on to the front lawn - magpies were having a go at it.Looked like half left.
Jan 7, 3:30am
made the same with mine for dinner tonight. Still a bit left - I've cut it off the bone now to make more room in the frig - bone into freezer . Used vinegar but might try lemonade next time.
Jan 7, 3:39am
What a waste.
Jan 7, 1:36pm
Yeah, I didn't have a ham for Christmas so it was a big mind boggling.
Jan 7, 2:07pm
I always get the butcher to halve my leg of ham, and suction pack the two halves seperately.I have just taken the half we didn't use at xmas time out of the freezer, we enjoy our ham on the bone!
Jan 7, 2:15pm
Gross.can't imagine having to eat something for that long.
Jan 7, 2:20pm
Can't you!Oh gosh. maybe it's you that's gross
Jan 7, 3:29pm
Why not!The last piece was every bit as tasty as the first!
Jan 8, 2:42am
Hey guys, slice ham thick, turn on pan to high, tip in a tin of pineapple and juice with ham, cook till all juice gone and ham brown,turn ham over, brown quickly on other side and serve ------yum
Jan 8, 2:49am
We got a ham from Pak n Save & when we got home & unwrapped the plastic off itIt had a horrible smell. It was rotten. Took it back & told them . They gave our money back & gave us a Free one.
Jan 8, 3:16am
And so they should.Was it past it's use by date or didn't you check!
Jan 8, 3:36am
I bought another one yesterday, its half gone already. Cant beat a ham and mustard sandwich
Jan 8, 4:33am
I'm grocery shopping tomorrow and hope to buy another ham.I find them very good value.We have ham and salad sandwiches for lunch and when the weather is hot (I mean, if it ever warms up!) we have ham and salad for tea during the summer.We enjoy it, it works out very economical and it saves me having to do a lot of cooking - as I say, if the summer ever arrives.Hubby put the electric blanket on last night, it was so flipping cold here.
Jan 8, 3:29pm
Yes a great way of filling the stomachs of the lunchtime mob, and easy on the cook on these brilliant hot Summer days we are having.
Jan 9, 1:36am
Well I didn't buy a ham today as the smallest one was $65 which is a bit out of my budget and too big for us, so had to settle for one of the 1.5kg things which aren't much better than luncheon.It will keep us going for a week or so for lunches and hopefully I can get a smaller ham next week.Just have to keep checking to see when if a smaller one becomes available.
Jan 11, 5:40am
Bought a half leg of ham reduced by $10, as the best before date is 27 January, at Pak 'n' Save.I found the per kilo price, even at full price, is less than for mince, which seems so strange!Good value and so handy this time of year.
Jan 11, 5:56am
kuaka. I just buy the shaved ham. Its just thinly sliced ham off a leg and is normally about 97c a 100gor 9.70 a kilo if that's how one want to look at it.throw some into a sesame bun with lettuce, cucumber, red onion and tomato.touch of mustard and some salt and pepper.Slices of beetroot or some capsicum is also nice added, grated cheese if you want.quick easy lunch and you can get back to your day.
Jan 11, 6:06am
My ham worked out at $7.90 a kilo!Can't complain!
Jan 11, 12:54pm
Actually the 1.5kg thing I bought the other day isn't too bad at all.I thought it would be all sort of minced up and pressed back together stuff, but it's not, it's "proper" ham, and it worked out at $9 kg, so not too bad either.We've already had it for tea twice and two lots of sandwiches at lunchtime.
Jan 12, 8:56pm
Just finished our ham, opened it Christmas eve, ham with nearly every meal,ham sandwich, ham and pineapple, ham quiche, ham and egg pie, ham and spring onion egg omelettes, cold ham and salad, ham on the BBQ, ham and macaroni cheese, ham ham ham- sick of it now, the wild birds got to pick the bone clean, they loved it. Going to try the lemonade trick next year although the vinegar did work well.
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