While cooking pavlova! I'm just a novice (sp) and thought i'd try and suprise everyone tomorrow! It's in the oven for 1hr and half! Do I need to turn it!
Dec 24, 9:09am
nah just leeve turn the lite on if ya wanna be nosey
Dec 24, 9:11am
My oven is a real old oven and its only half the size of a normal one and has no glass panel to look through! lol oh well i guess i'll just have to hope for the best! lol
Dec 24, 9:17am
good luck :-)
Dec 24, 9:18am
Turn off & leave without opening the door. Needs to dry out.
Dec 24, 9:30am
Thanks guys! Will turn off in another 45 min and won't open till the morning! What suspense!lol I brought one just in case it fails but wanted to try and do it myself first so fingers crossed it turns out! :-)
Dec 24, 10:13am
you can open the door once its cooked, in fact last year I did mine as a 'wreath' I used a glass to create the hole and spread the mix around it, after about 30mins I opened the oven and veerrryyy carefull pulled out the glass, I was worried the heat would break it. I dont have the photo anymore but its on face book if you want to see it search for ian williams. After I took the photo I added a lot more fruit to fill the holes, I'm doing it again for boxing day family get together so hope it works again!
Dec 24, 11:43am
You can serve up a pavlova or eaton's mess (bits of broken, failed pavlova served with fruits and cream)
Dec 25, 2:32am
No door on my oven either, and it cooks slow so had a peek towards the end.Turned out perfect, thanks to Pickles recipe.
Dec 25, 2:51am
i made a pav roll, its quicker just 10mins.
Dec 25, 8:15am
Nothing wrong taking a peek, fast one but peek if you need to. enjoy cooking, you learn that way.
Dec 25, 9:26am
Thanks everyone! Pav was a success! And I used your recipe pickles! :-) Not bad for a novice if I say so myself! Will do one againnext year!
Dec 25, 9:50am
thats great have been wondering how it turmed out
Dec 25, 9:10pm
It is a very stable recipe, I always have to dig it out of my bowl. It has never failed me once. Glad you liked it
Dec 26, 1:59am
I put cream and passionfruit pulp on the top.I had strawberries but am growing them and have been eating them for weeks anyway so passionfruit was more of a special treat.
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