I'm not trying to cause trouble, just thought it would be a nice idea as I love looking at the trademe recipeshere and have saved a lot of them and tried them
Dec 16, 3:25pm
sheepey you are correct on all three counts. You are not causing any trouble and I never said it would shut down a blog, merely try to control it.
I wish you well with your blog and I am sure there will be many people who will become your firm friends and supporters, who will provide you with many interesting and fascinating recipes and food facts. It seems like a very exciting thing to be doing. Are you qualified in the culinary field or are you just a talented and creative person who has found a wonderful outlet and niche in cooking that you'd like to share with others!
Dec 16, 3:27pm
I'm just a mum and love recipes not in the culinary field. lol The blog I have started up in my own personal blog so no one else can control it.I am the administrator of it so hopefully it will run smoothly. I don't like forums, this way I can post recipes people send me and photos if they have them and it should be a much easier and nicer looking way of having them.
Dec 16, 3:32pm
I also think if they are presented nicely people will me more likely to visit often and share their own recipes.I am welcome to suggestions, categories etc
Dec 24, 7:32pm
sheepey, are you done already. I cannot find your blog.
Dec 24, 10:40pm
Which is exactly why TM has deleted and threatened many users including kirinesha, bedazzledjewels and myself (and several others) because they had set up a low carb forum. Every time it was mentioned here - someone (I will not name names) has contacted TM and the posts and the links were deleted (exactly because users could get in touch with each other (and so "circumvent Tm's rules" - as if that would have been the idea).
So I am very astonished that those two forums are still going .
It might just mean that nobody has anything against you two - but many had lots against the low carb forum! So good luck in your endeavours.
And of course Merry Xmas to you all!
Dec 24, 11:17pm
uli.http://kiwirecipes.blog- spot.com/ this has gone
Dec 25, 12:54am
Who-ever bothers pickles7 . I don't anymore!
Dec 25, 1:33am
It not bothering me, just wondered what happened.
Dec 25, 1:56am
Yeah - what happened!
Ask TM- and then ask everybody who does not want any of "US" to post too much.
Blah blah - it is getting too too tedious don't you think!
Dec 25, 2:03am
Funny stuff going on for sure, I couldn't give a toss. lol.
Dec 25, 2:06am
Me neither :)
So what did you have for lunch or dinner !
Dec 25, 2:07am
I post any way.I get quoted too, I see. lol.
Dec 25, 2:10am
we had salad with a tin of salmon, toasted sandwiches for tea. We eat high off the hog tomorrow, Family and friends for lunch. how about yourself!
sorry for the confusion but think this is a better name for blog than what I originally had - everyone is still welcome to join in
Dec 25, 12:39pm
thanks.sheepey.I have three blogs myself.
Dec 26, 4:36pm
some of these old ones are fun to go ova ah
Dec 26, 4:48pm
LOL - are you bored!Not much to go over here - hardly any posts left.
Is buzzy permanently banned, seems ages since she posted!
Dec 16, 12:45am
I cannot find this site, Is it still operational ![/quote]
No, Trademe Cooks closed several months ago but the recipes are still available from http://www.e-ware.co.nz/downloads.htm - scroll to the bottom of the page on that link where you will find info' there on how to download the files.:-))
Hope not, I never minded buzzy in my threads,she was never personal. I appreciate her and uli over a lot of others I have to say.
LOL yes I am bored, going out to find some sweet corn soon, there must be someone selling on the side of the road.
Dec 25, 6:50pm
Not seen any roadside ones around yet - some in supermarket but quite expensive - think it was $3 each!
Dec 25, 7:43pm
.except when she said you were posting while pickled ;)
If you really want contact with uli and buzzy and don't care much for anyone else, why not communicate privately with them via email!Or do you think we'd all miss your own pearls of wisdom in the famous pickles thread!
It's always a puzzle when a poster constantly says how awful it is here but keeps on coming back and bumping year-old threads full of blanks ;)
Good luck with the corn hunting.It's $2 an ear freshly picked at the roadside in the Top of the South.
Dec 25, 8:01pm
Because they love the drama and maybe this msg board is their only entertainment, pretty sad, but I suppose it keeps them off the streets.
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