Gelatine leaves/powdered gelatine

iriegirl, Dec 13, 2:43am
I have done a left hand search but to no avail, and I seen this recipe being made by the charming James Martin a couple of weeks ago and was wondering about two things, what would the equivalent gelatin measure be in powdered form! and I thought I would replace the vodka with Ouzo, would it still work! I'm thinking a "Jelly Bean cocktail" type jelly! And one more question, are gelatine leaves all the same size! Link for recipe
Thanks in advance

davidt4, Dec 13, 2:55am
Gelatine leaves come in various strengths (gold, platinum etc) so you would need to know what kind James Martin was using before you could work out how much powdered gelatine to use as a substitute.

If you substitute ouzo for the vodka, bear in mind that ouzo is very sweet, while vodka is unsweetened.

seniorbones, Dec 13, 2:58am
yes the leaves are usually the same size, ouzo might be a bit strong it would be more like 'black jellybeans' and sorry dont know the equivalent to powder. But if you checked out ruth pretty's sight and asked the question in the 'contact us' they are very helpful and would probably be able to tell you, I have been to many classes there and she uses them a lot when gelatine is needed.

seniorbones, Dec 13, 2:59am
oh.someone else has answered.didnt know you could get gold platinum etc I have only ever seen/used the clear sheets in the cellophane bags :-0)

davidt4, Dec 13, 3:02am
After reading this I think I'd make something else!

iriegirl, Dec 13, 4:19am
OMG I read that article and I think I agree davidt4! However never one to be beaten, I will press on and be sure to let you all know how I get on! And I do appriciate all of your input above.