does any one know the oringal recipe for the drink falling angel, I used to drink it at the city hotel in Dunedin years ago. It had cherry brandy and cream in it. Have tried many pubs in Auckland and none of them, know how to make one. They were so yummy
Dec 12, 3:48am
It was Cherry VOK and lemonade. I thought it was called Fallin Angel. Could be a an accent problem :-)
Dec 12, 4:44am
that one sounds nice, but the falling angel I had in Dunedin was with cherry brandy and other ingredients, may have had lemonade but had cream in it, tasted like a cherry milkshake, so creamy, it always had a cherry sitting on top as well,
Dec 12, 4:59am
Oh God I want one so badly
Dec 12, 5:09am
lolit was sooooooooooo yummy it was hard to stop at one, the city hotel made them so well. never ever tasted one like it since, One place in Auckland had the one I think previous message was talking about, but it had no cream, and did not taste the same
Dec 12, 10:57am
Fallen angel (according to Mr Google) seems to have creme de menthe, and angostura bitters along with gin and lemon or lime juice which sounds totally different from o/ps version of "falling" angel (or even "fallin" angel).
Dec 12, 11:09am
Cherry brandy, advocaat and lemonade.My Mum used to drink that back in the days although she only ever had one when they went out.And Fallen Angel was what I remember it being called.But no Creme de menth.
Dec 12, 11:30am
I think "internationally" there are different versions of this cocktail, and obviously NZ has it's own version (which I think sounds much yummier than the one google brings up).Fluffy ducks were a favourite of mine back in the 70s (1970s that is! - not quite in "my" 70s yet)
Dec 12, 11:32am
Yep - I remember fluffy ducks warmly too.
Dec 12, 11:57am
I think the one with Creme de Menthe was a"grasshopper"!
Dec 12, 12:45pm
Maybe, but google "fallen angel" and creme de menthe and gin are mentioned.
Dec 12, 3:50pm
I love them too and have usually had them made gardies way tho I have had one at a pub once where they used ginger ale instead of lemonade and it was just as nice.
Dec 12, 5:35pm
Ours definitely had avocat * sp* I remember it being a golden butter yellow colour.and is that the one that had cream in or on top. or was that the fluffy duck. Grasshopper was def the creme de menthe one.parfait amour was the purple thing.All very 70's. I remember cherry vok as well.
Dec 12, 6:18pm
Fallen Angel, back in the 70s, was made of cherry advocaat and lemonade. Nothing else. If you can't get cherry advocaat, use plain advocaat and a cherry liqueur with your lemonade.
Dec 12, 9:49pm
I remember my Mum shouting me a Harvey Wallbanger many years ago.they were all the rage then.
Dec 12, 11:49pm
I remember my Mum making these too.In fact I (vaguely) remember working my way through the cocktail cabinet with the daughters of her friends as they played bridge in one room, and we played Beatles records and silly buggers in my room.We were in soooo much trouble at home time
Dec 13, 1:38am
I use cherry brandy, advocat and lemonade or you buy the ready mixed one
Dec 13, 1:48am
Fallen Angel- yuuuuuummm!Used to drink them in the Railway pub in Greymouth (before leaving for the big smoke of Dunedin for Uni).I suppose they were our version of an alco-pop.I'm sure the version I had had a little bit of cream in it.Definitely milky to look at, not clear at all.
Dec 13, 2:21am
Not sure if this is the original.
Fallen Angel
1 1/2 oz gin 1/2 tsp white creme de menthe juice of 1/2 lemons 1 dash bitters 1 cherry
Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve.
Dec 13, 2:52am
mmmmmmmmmmmmm that sounds more like it, with cream added and the cherry to make it creamy and yum, thanks
Dec 13, 2:53am
.yup sounds like mine, maybe it was a south Island drink
Mar 31, 3:05am
im pretty sure it fallen angel cocktail mix is on the back of the vok cherry advokaat bottle its pretty much the same as as a fluffy duck just swap the other advokaat with the cherry one :)
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