I am growing mint in a pot outside to repel flies, but I would like to use it in the kitchen - however other than adding it to peas I dont know what its for! Help! How do I use mint!
Dec 9, 4:55am
I add it to coleslaw,green salads and obviously to potatoes and carrots with butter.It'slovely as a salad dressing too:whizz up freshly cooked hot green peas with plenty of chopped fresh mint(or use sauce or jelly) sour cream,salt and pepper and pour over cooked diced potatoes.
Dec 9, 4:58am
I use a lot of fresh mint, mainly in salads.Add it to:
Greek Salad : tomato, cucumber, red onion, black olives, oregano and feta Beetroot and feta salad Watermelon and feta salad Orange, red onion and black olive salad Haloumi, Tomato and Green Bean Salad Vietnamese and Thai cabbage salads
Just try things out - mint is a lovely herb and very versatile.
Dec 9, 5:00am
make mint tea. freeze with yourice cubes for summer drinks.
Dec 9, 5:00am
yum, that sounds good - thanks :)
Dec 9, 5:02am
add when cooking new potatoes, in dressing for potato salad, mint sauce for chops; mint, yoghurt and cucumber dip.
Dec 9, 8:38am
Add it to fruit salad - honestly, it is so yummy, really refreshing and brings out the flavour of fruit, especially berry fruit, like you wouldn't believe
Dec 9, 9:09am
was arecipein thepresszestpagelastweekformintjellylooked good
Dec 9, 9:39am
Mint vinegrette - some lovely recipes out there. Its yummy over new potatoes and on a smoked chicken salad.
Dec 9, 9:40pm
we use it for mint rice, vegetable rice and mint chutney
Dec 9, 11:53pm
in the last 2 days i have made mint sauce, apple and mint jelly and mint and apple butter! It grows like a weed but is oh so tasty! I always have some in the jug of water in the fridge, is very yum on strawberries, also mix with cucumber and yoghurt to make an Indian style Raita to have with curry :)
Dec 10, 1:03am
can i have your recipe for mint and apple butter please ! It sounds very interesting! Cheers
Dec 10, 4:02am
Recipe thanks to Indy95. I made it using the pulp i had left from making the Mint and Apple Jelly. Tis yum on scones and I think I will use it instead of apple sauce next time I have roast pork
Spicy Apple Butter 1.5 kg cooking apples washed and chopped ( don't need to be peeled or cored ) Water to cover 1/2 - 1 t cinnamon 1/4 - 1/2 t ground cloves Sugar
Put apples in a large pan, just cover with water and simmer for about 1 hour or until the apples are soft and pulpy. Press the apple pulp through a sieve then measure it and add the spices and 500 g of sugar for each 600 ml of puree. Heat slowly stirring occasionally until the sugar has completely dissolved then bring to boil and simmer stirring often for about 30 to 45 mins until you can push a wooden spoon across the base of the pan and leave a clean line through the mixture. Put in sterilised jars and cover.
Dec 10, 4:11am
Ive got heaps in my garden in chchRedzone so about to be buuldozed if anyone wants some to grow leave a message and and I can list some
Dec 10, 4:29am
I feed it to my goats .
Dec 10, 4:30am
Does it flavour their meat uli!Or their milk!
Dec 10, 4:32am
If milking their milk LOL (seems not to work with bucks) - If it would do - then I guess I would have to eat them within a day or two :)
Dec 10, 4:54am
Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Dec 10, 8:42am
make tabbouleh
Dec 10, 10:51am
put it on top of sardines and toast
Dec 10, 12:31pm
Make mint sauce for lamb, cold meats, etc. and which will last all year.
Dec 10, 9:33pm
Dec 10, 10:24pm
Tea - even!
Dec 19, 1:10pm
We love Jamie Oliver's mint/bread sauce" Minted Bread Sauce Recipe courtesy Jamie Oliver Show:The Naked Chef Episode:Going To The Dogs
Recipe Summary Prep Time: 15 minutes
3 handfuls fresh mint 1 handful stale bread Extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground pepper Red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Finely chop 3 parts mint to 1 part finely chopped stale bread and stir in some olive oil until the mix has 'loosened.' Then balance the flavors by carefully seasoning and splashing in some vinegar to taste. The flavor improves with time as it sits. http://www.jamieoliver.com/forum/viewtopic.php!id=23462
Dec 20, 2:25am
Gin & Tonic with a wedge of lemon
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