1-day.co.nz has a cake mixer today if anyone interested.does anyone know if they are any good!I have been wanting to purchase one for ages but know nothing about them!
Dec 4, 11:32pm
I don't really know. seems to have all the right attachments. you better make your mind up, looks as though they're selling out fast - which says something doesn't it!
Dec 4, 11:35pm
yes thought that.and good watts.called briscoes biggest watt they have is 700w.
Dec 4, 11:37pm
yay purchased one!
Dec 5, 12:20am
Good on you! Let us know how it performs :)
Dec 5, 3:27am
It looks fantastic. Like babytears said, let us know how you get on. I wonder if it has a hitting on the top so you can add extras such as mincer. blender, etc.
Dec 5, 4:21am
I bought one a few months ago when 1-day last advertised them. it's pretty good (much better than my old kenwood). I do have two problems with it though (1) its too big to fit in my cupboards! (2), the gap between the bowl and the top of the mixer is very narrow so it's a bit hard to shove your spatula into the bowl while its mixing.
Dec 5, 6:33am
Blow----! I have just bought one onTM for $370.00(new)
Dec 5, 6:23pm
oh what a dilemma, have been investigating buying a cake mixer for months now and very nearly got that one from one day yesterday but some reviews (google search) were less than complimentary so I really hope they are wrong and that you got the bargain of the year!
Dec 6, 5:39am
I went looking for the complaints, I couldn't see many at all. The problem with the beater not being close enough to the bowl is easy to fix, my Kenwood, had a similar problem. The whisk, etc have a nut that can be loosened to lengthen the shaft, to drop the whisk lower in the bowl. Not many people know about it, all in the small print. lol.
Dec 6, 6:00am
The same ones that were on 1-Day were also on Grown Ups for $149.99 - sorry
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