Check out Zilch ice cream, it's no added sugar but I'm not sure on the fat content.
Dec 1, 9:11pm
Lite licks! THink it is low fat not sure about th esugar content though.
Dec 1, 11:11pm
does such a thing exist!
Dec 1, 11:37pm
Why would you want low fat ice cream anyway!I make my own ice cream and use either maple syrup or honey as the sweetener.Each to their own I suppose, but I believe in the healing ability of lots of saturated fats.Cream features highly in my diet.
Dec 2, 1:16am
Just cream and pureed fruit - yum .
Dec 2, 1:27am
Sure - no cream (too much fat), no sugar but artificial sweetener, no eggs (dangerous raw), stabilizer, colouring, soybean extract, flavouring, milk solids, preservative.
Doesn't sound much like ice "cream" does it!The frozen yoghurt ice cream that Tip Top make is slightly lower in calories and I think there's a new lemon one now which sounds nice.
Dec 2, 1:43am
Freeze sliced bananas and other fruit such as feijoa and berries. When well frozen I think people use their blenders to whizz up. I use my masticating juicer and hey presto, a frozen confection that I suppose could be called ice cream, if you stretch your imagination, without any dairy or sugar.
But quite frankly it seems to me to be something of an oxymoron to be wanting ice cream without sugar and fat. Because the dish is frozen it has to have lots of sugar or you won't be able to taste it (freezing blunts the taste of everything) and it is supposed to have cream in it because that is what it is called - ice CREAM.
You could make some tasteless glob up using non-fat milk, gelatine and eggs for the custard and frozen fruit for sweetness but it will be something else, not ice cream.
Dec 2, 2:33am
maybe the person is asking because they have a diabetic for xmas and want to offer something that is sugar free or has less sugar and is lower in fat. They may or may not realise that most diabetics can have a little sugar on special occasions such as xmas. #OP good luck finding one. I like the creme de la cremeone personally.
Dec 2, 2:50am
Personally I would go for a nice thick Greek yoghurt and some berries if that is the case cgvl. That most likely tastes much better than zilch and is also a bit healthier too.
And if low fat is necessary because of a gall bladder or other health problem then go for a low fat yoghurt - not as nice, but still better than zilch any day.
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