our son-in-laws family celebrated Christmas on Christmas eve with traditional dutch food. His parents are no longer with us, but I would like to keep up the tradition involving our grand daughters. Can anyone help me with recipies or ideas. many thanks in advance.
Nov 26, 7:51pm
you have to make some speculaas and Jan Hagel cookies. Plenty of recipes online. Google Dutch Christmas Tradition for all the ideas. Mostly its celebrated on the 6th of December. Santa Class. , when children get presents. Where as Christmas day is set aside as a purely religious holiday.What fun for your granddaughters. You simply must appoint a Black Piet
Nov 26, 8:15pm
thankyou so much lilyfield you have set me on the right path.
Nov 26, 8:46pm
While not Christmas there is oilballs for new years day.
Nov 26, 8:53pm
thanks susievbare these sort of like a dough with dried fruitand then fried. I can remember something along those lines.
Nov 26, 8:56pm
We celebrated our st nics day by putting up the xmas tree to hold onto some of our tradions.We have almond rings (like sausage rolls but filled with almond paste), oili bolli (dutch doughnuts), Poffetjes (dutch mini pancakes ) rook worst (dutch sausage) and the dutch potatoe salad. speculaas (spice biscuits - which can be bought in the suppermarket - knwn as windmill biscuits here) and peper nuts ( Spiced small biscuit lollies type )I like tai tai ( a very chewy biscuit ) Most are available in the dutch shops or deli.A good one in Henderson.
Nov 26, 9:30pm
thats a huge help, My grandaughers are 16 & 14 and I think it is nice if they can hold on to some of traditions of the dutch side of their family, and I didnt really know where to start. thank you all so much.
Nov 27, 4:37am
And dont forgt to get some dutch liquorice. My hubby likes the double salt., but there are soome sweet ones as well.
Nov 27, 6:04am
Google is your friend.
Nov 27, 12:52pm
Nov 27, 2:13pm
Oliballs are Ollie Bollen (!spelling). A spiced apple and raisin doughnut that is deep fried and spinkled with icing sugar - served hot. Yummy as.
Nov 27, 5:29pm
My mum a kiwi who married a Dutchy makes these with baking powder rather than yeast as it takes less time to prepare, and she puts in rhubarb and currants to have the sweet and tart taste.
Mum's recipe for oilballs (ollie bollen) traditionally served new years day. per person: 1c flour, 1 tsp baking powder, pinch salt, 1 egg, 1/2c currants, 1 Tbs oil, 1 Tbs corn flour, 1/3c cubed rhubarb.
Mix all ingreds to get a medium batter. Bring pot of oil to heat, when a crust of bread that has been dropped in gets bubbles around it it is hot enough. Drop tablespoons full of batter into the oil. They tend to be cooked when the float on top of the oil, and are medium brown in colour. Lift out with tongs or slotted spoon and place on paper towel. After 5-10 mins turn down the oil temp to half.
Break pieces off and dunk in icing sugar. Mum also uses granny smith apples instead of rhubarb. She also has oil for cooking in specially for this so other flavours don't taint it, and next morning she strains the oil through a paper towel and sieve to put back in the bottle.
Nov 27, 9:49pm
you guys are awesome :)
Nov 28, 1:46am
For bunket letters -not sure of proper dutch nameand spelling- is a sweet egg and almond filling in filo! pastry, mum has adapted it to using coconut and almond essence as ground almonds are to expensive and still as yummy in my opinion.
These sound like dilligaf_dahalmond rolls
Nov 28, 2:33am
susievb, it's Banket letter and yes you are right, it is flakey pastry with almond filling. Then there also Weihnacht stollen, or sweet Christmas bread. It's a fine white/fruit flatbread with almond paste filling in the middle.
Dec 23, 6:47pm
I am looking for a Tai tai recipe.
Jan 10, 11:23pm
That's a wise answer to a tricky quisteon
Jan 13, 7:08am
What?! We have to stop listening to Christmas music after Christmas is over?! I didn't get that memo...I try to secttrh it out until at least March...then I take a break for a while and crack it out again in August. I'm such a dork.
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