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elliehen, Nov 27, 3:54am
Well, I did the obvious and read the storage recommendations on my packet of local free-range eggs.

It says:"Keep cool, store out of direct sunlight at under 15*C."

So I guess where you store your eggs might vary from North Cape to the Bluff :)

sarahb5, Nov 27, 4:40am
Pantry's fine in this house then - nice and cool as well as dark

rainrain1, Nov 27, 5:02am
yes the storeroom, we have a quick turnover of ovals

goddessartemis, Nov 27, 6:58am
Before I had my own chooks I stored them in the fridge.When I first got chooks the woman I bought them from said to keep them on the bench.Now that I have again been acquainted with how fresh eggs 'stand up' in a frying pan, I don't think many eggs I bought in the supermarket were fresh at all.

I suspect that bought eggs have been on shelves a while before they get to the supermarket, then home to the fridge or pantry.

raebee, Nov 27, 8:03am
oops i just made 3 batches of meringues this weekend with eggs straight from the fridge (as i normally do). what difference would i notice if they were room-temp, as they beat up nice and stiff and i have no problems with the finished product except that they are so delicious that i'm not sure they'll make it to the party next weekend!actually boiling water goes into my meringue mixture, and i stand the bowl in boiling water too as i beat, so maybe they warm up pretty quick so it doesn't matter.

uli, Nov 27, 8:11am
My eggs are never in the fridge and the whites whip up very well.