to store in the fridge, or not!I have always stored mine in the fridge (even my littled bantams' offerings,but recently I had a discussion with friends as to what they do.I'd be interested to hear your views please.
Nov 24, 6:36am
Whoops - sorry for the extra "d" that slipped in there!
Nov 24, 6:38am
I store some in the fridge and some in a cupboard, so they are at room temp for baking. Poultry farms and supermarkets don't refrigerate theirs do they !
Nov 24, 6:52am
I heard once that they age 1 day in the fridge and 1 week on the bench!I always keep mine in the fridge (from our own chooks).When I have to buy shop ones, I can't believe how runny they are.Fridge definitely keeps them fresher IMO.
Nov 24, 6:57am
fridge. growing up as a kid we had a chock farm eggs were always keeped cool
Nov 24, 8:14am
We have chooks and I keep mine on the bench and always have done. I do give alot away so they never last long. My hardest problem is keeping alot separate so I can boil them and actually peel them, without taking big bits out of the whites. Never look good for stuffed eggs when white is all damaged.
Nov 24, 8:18am
I store in the fridge. If i want room temperature eggs, I just pop the cold eggs in a bowl of warm water for 40seconds or so.
Nov 24, 9:45am
in pantry for most of year but during the really hot weeks of summer I put them in fridge as pantry seems to get too warm.
Nov 24, 10:47pm
They are a protein, so in the fridge. If baking, I take them out and let them come to room temp:)
Nov 24, 11:10pm
Same - the supermarket doesn't keep them in the fridge either.I've only had a bad egg once and that was because the "old" and "new" got muddled
Nov 24, 11:21pm
Mine are fresh eggs, so I never put them in the fridge. But in a cool place - not on the sunny windowsill in that nice little egg holder that everybody seems to have now - it does look decorative maybe and you could use it for plaster eggs .
Nov 25, 7:25am
Gardie has it right "I heard once that they age 1 day in the fridge and 1 week on the bench! I always keep mine in the fridge. However keep away from strong smelling food in the fridge as the eggs are porous and have thousands of teeny holes in the shell and can absorb strong flavours. Eggs for meringue or pav should be taken out of the fridge and brought to room temp. then add a pinch of salt before beating ( you get more volume) Cheers Val
Nov 25, 8:10am
Interesting sentence. What does it mean! "An egg ages 1 week on the bench" . then what!
Nov 25, 8:44am
Eggs for any baking should be used at room temperature and I never add salt to any of my baking other than pastry - no issues here with eggs I've used and haven't kept them in the fridge for at least the last 10 years, always in the pantry which is dark and cool.In that period I've had only one egg go off and that was because the older eggs got muddled with the newer ones by someone who didn't understand my system.Considering we use at least a dozen a week that's a "gone bad" ratio of 1 in 6240 .
Nov 25, 10:48pm
Uli - it means they last way longer if kept in the fridge.Every day they're in the fridge,is equivalent to a week stored on the bench.
Nov 26, 12:47am
I still don't think it's very clear what's meant though - are you saying that if they last a week in the pantry (which mine do) they would last 7 times that long if kept in the fridge!
Nov 26, 1:10am
When we had a poultry farm years ago we had to have a cool room to pack and store the eggs. The truck that picked them up had to be refrigerated as well. It grates on me to have to buy eggs that are possibly sitting next to the motor of some sort of refrigeration - nice and warm!
Nov 26, 1:51am
Yes - although the figure I was told is 3 times longer in the fridge, not 7.
I have my own hens and I always write the date on the egg (with a pencil) when I bring them inside so there is no confusion with old and new. I keep mine in the fridge.
Nov 26, 2:48am
I do the same Pamellie, put them in the fridge, away from strong smelling items (either in the door or boxes) and with the pointy end down.I get them out of the fridge at least an hour before baking with them and use the new ones for poaching, mmmmmm!
Nov 26, 3:51am
And then they go into the supermarket and there they are NOT refrigerated (at least in the supermarkets I frequent). Then you buy them and they go back in the fridge .
Nov 26, 7:27am
Ed Zackerly .
Nov 26, 7:38am
Never ever have I stored my eggs in the fridge
Nov 27, 12:44am
I think supermarkets don't refrigerate them cos it takes up valuable cold space.Not their problem if they don't last as long as they could.
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