Does anyone know where I can buy Maraschino cherries please! I want them for my cherry liqueur chocolates. Tried all the supermarkets.
Nov 2, 5:27am
cherries, brandy, jam jar. Put cherry in jar, add bandy. Be careful as sometimes the cherries, fake ones, lose colour.
Nov 2, 12:58pm
Hi there, some supermarkets will have them. Moore Wilson in Masteron have them which is not too far away fro you if you really need them
Nov 2, 1:45pm
Our supermarket has Delmaine brand as do Gilmours
Nov 2, 4:46pm
Nauru, I am sure Steve's Bulk Foods ( I think that's the name ) in Albert Street, Palmerston North stocks genuine glace cherries which you could marinate in brandy. I think I have also seen them in New World around Christmas so they may have them in stock by now.
Nov 2, 5:18pm
are you sure that the Delmaine are proper Maraschino cherries! or are they just the sour cherries in juice!
Nov 2, 11:24pm
Thanks everyone for your input.I managed to source some Maraschino cherries today at Davis Trading in PN. Thanks Indy95, didn't think about Steves in PN but will keep him in mindfor the future. Thanks Cooks, will also keep Moore Wilsons in mind as we often visit our son in the Wairarapa.
Nov 2, 11:30pm
Hmmm good Q - I think they might be just Morello cherries, but when soaked in proper Kirsch for my Black Forest Gateau and they taste mighty fine all the same lol
Nov 2, 11:33pm
Ooooohhhh they are the yucky glace style ones that are bleached and dyed according to wiki, my bad! lol
Nov 3, 12:01am
Real maraschino cherries are delicious, although extremely sweet.They are preserved in Maraschino, which is a sweet liqueur flavoured with sour cherries and cherry stones - I haven't seen it in years now.
Delmaine Morello cherries are quite good given that we can't get fresh Morellos in NZ.I wonder why no-one grows them commercially.
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