hey guys, its my partners sisters 18th today so i thought i would make her a cake. i was going to do this yesterday so i had time but didnt have the ingredients so had to wait until lunch time today to get them. i got them all and have baked the cake yay! thats the easy part. me being me wanted to get it cooled down as fast as possible so i took it out of the cake tin. WOOPS! my cake started to fall apart so i quickley put it back into the cake tin and am now hoping it will stick back together. what are the chances! im also icing the cake too. im icing it as spongebob squarepants as its her fave cartoon charactor.i dont know weather or not i will have time to choc ice it and then wait for thatto set and then to pipe on spongebob. or just ice the cake yellow and make it as a really big spongebob and then add the details on top of the yellow icing. but then im going to have to wait for the icing to set either way and dont know which is best and how to do it fast as we are going to her place tonight! id prefur to do it the first option but i dont know how to make the icing set fast so that it doesnt run together. please help. hopfully someone understands me LOL
Oct 27, 9:52pm
Good luck, hope the cake holds together for you. One option could be to get a squarebob 'decal' (not sure exactly what they are called) that you can put on the iced cake. Often available at supermarket bakeries & easy enough to use.
Oct 27, 9:57pm
Make a buttercream icing and either spread or pipe it on, it will hold its shape instantly, and you can pipe a dif colour straight on top of it. hope that helps.
Oct 28, 5:36am
sounds like a disaster, if you didnt know not to take it right out of the tin, i cant imagine youd be anygood at decorating. save urself the time and embarrasmentbin it and go buy a cake. There is nothing worse than a botched up cake imo,
Oct 28, 5:48am
echo! The OP was taking it to her partner's sister's place earlier this evening so the advice is a tad late. IMO, worse than a "botched cake" is not taking the trouble to make a nice gesture in the first place.
Oct 28, 5:30pm
There are a great many things far worse then a " botched up cake " IMOand I am speaking from many years of experience, having botched up a considerable number of cakes in my time ! I think " Murphys Law " as it relates to cooking applies here.if you are in a hurry and try to turn a cake out of the tin too soon you can almost guarantee half of it will stay in the tin and if you are using the last of your icing sugar to ice a cake you can be sure that the icing will be too runny and fall off. Needless to say none of this ever happens when you are doing " everyday " baking but only when you are making something for a special occasion. Never mind draco27, it was a kind thought and one of those things you just have to put down to experience.
Oct 28, 5:52pm
draco iv'e had many a botch up over the years doing cakes, often happened to me when in a hurry and was usually for something special. Once made a 21st cake all iced and day before the big party the dog ate a whack of it lol,Your heart was in the right place making it for the birthday hope you managed to get it sussed out and spongebob got to the party,put it down to learning experience. .
Oct 28, 5:59pm
Yeah! well I would have biffed the cake, saved the embarrassment and taken a bunch of flowers or something. I suppose its where peoples standards differ really. Personally, if its not up to par/perfect i wont give it. different strokes for different folks i guess.
Nov 3, 8:34pm
cake turned out well for those who are wondering, i only took it out of the tin as was in a hurry i know that ur not ment to do it but i thought it was worth a try, anyway gave the cake to sister in law and she loved it! and tasted good too. thanks for the advice guys!
Nov 3, 8:44pm
great to hear. I would love the kind gesture too. it was very nice of you.
Nov 3, 9:23pm
whenever I make a cake for someone Murphy guarantees that something won't be quite right on it - but I still give it or take it (unless I know it is not going to taste good of course!) and it is always accepted with great pleasure.it is the thought and effort that went into it that matters the most so good on you for wanting to do something special.
Nov 3, 10:08pm
To biff the cake would imo be a wicked waste of time and ingredients, and regardless of whether the cake is "presentable" as a gift, (it is the thought that counts remember) it will I'm sure still be perfectly edible, and if not as a cake, then probably as a pudding with custard.Obviously some people have too much spare cash.
Nov 3, 10:11pm
That's lovely draco27, nothing like some warm fuzzies aye.
Nov 3, 10:24pm
I can tell by your tone that you're one of these people who don't give a shyte. I found your first posting incredibly offensive. We're here to help people and/or provide support in times of natural-kitchen-disasters. A botched cake still tastes as good as a non-botched one. More icing everyone :-)
Nov 3, 10:29pm
Good save, draco ! Glad to hear it turned out well in the end.
Nov 3, 10:38pm
Couldn't have said it better myself. I thought the recipe board was a nice fun supportive troll free zone :(
Nov 3, 11:12pm
absolutely +1 - well said.
Nov 4, 1:59pm
What a load of rubbish.Your statement indicates more about you as a person than about anything else.The thought of someone going to all the trouble of making a cake for a special person, with all their love, care, and attention is worth its weight in gold, botched cake or not.
Nov 4, 3:56pm
me I would have laughed and said cool to the giver. I have botched many a cake in my time (40+years of baking). The only ones ever biffed were those that were truely inedible. A bit of icing, a touch of cream some fancy decoration hides many a crack, uneven surface or even a burnt bit. All eaten with relish especially if you let the males in your family or circle of friends at it. otherwise made into trifle (my mothers favourite way of fixing a disaster) or bread and butter type pudding or truffles. Lots of uses other than for the birds
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