Am having to buy a new free standing oven and am tossing up if the fan option is worth the extra money. Old oven was just bake and dont know any difference. What is the benefit of having fan bake and grill, and do people use these options. Cheers and thanks
Oct 22, 2:35pm
Fan forced and Thermowave ovens are far superior to standard ovens.They just cook so much more consistently.Definitely worth the money.
Oct 22, 2:36pm
I would go for that extra function, for sure. I use fan bake way more than bake.
Oct 22, 3:23pm
yup - i didn't think it would be worth it, but it definitely is.
Oct 22, 4:00pm
Yep.You can put an extra tray in when cooking if the fan is going.
Oct 22, 4:59pm
roast vegys take a quicker time to cook with fan bake. would not be without it.
Oct 22, 6:27pm
I have recently moved and no longer have a fan oven. Miss it so much. Everything takes longer.
Oct 22, 7:16pm
Use my fan oven all the time. Can bake 3 trays of biscuits at a time.It is also far quicker. Love it
Oct 22, 7:22pm
Without a doubt it's worth it. I bake everything on fan bake even pavlovas. Just make sure to drop the temperature it states in the recipe by about 20 degrees.
Oct 22, 7:40pm
Use it all the time.
Oct 22, 8:14pm
Absolutely yes.My old fan-oven stove bit the dust and I bought a basic one.I don't do heaps of baking,but now realise how I took the fan-bake for granted!Now can only do one tray,on a low rack,at a time.Painful!
Oct 22, 8:37pm
Always use fanbake.
Oct 22, 9:20pm
Thanks for the great feedback.glad I checked in here for the sage advice first .have nowordered a fanbake one. NL have a great deal on this weekend. Cheers guys!
Oct 23, 4:19pm
most definately! you can cook at a slightly lower temp if only 1-2 trays usually around 10 degrees lower (depending on your oven) on fan bake. Mostly you can cook several trays at once at a similar temp as you normally would.
Oct 23, 4:51pm
I cook everything on fanbake except large fruitcakes. Seems to dry them out too much.
Oct 23, 5:03pm
I do the scones on bake only- they sometimes flop overa little with the fan running. Same with eclairs
Oct 23, 5:26pm
I always use fan bake it cooks whatevers in the oven so much better
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