Apologies nzhel, I haven't even looked - it'll be in 'The Shed'.I will have a chance to check tomorrow and promise to return with news.
Nov 3, 8:54pm
well i will share my moist delicious xmas cake, im not a fruitcake fan but this is to die for.i simply use the edmonds recipe for gingerale/beer fruitcake and i add grated zest of lemon and manderine aswell as their juice, 3 tablespoons of custard powder half a pack of nestle milk choc melts half a pack of white choc melts. might sound blerk to some people but the custard really keeps it moist and the choc was to intice the kids but it is delicious and gives a caramel flavour
Nov 3, 9:02pm
l read about manuka gold premium liqueur in a Taste mag and went to the liquor store and they had it in there and it smells and taste sonice
Nov 3, 10:32pm
If it smells as good as it sounds it's no wonder the bees are coming in to investigate.
Nov 4, 1:01am
Oh yes it does smell sooo nice and l took a nip of the liqueur just to make sure it was alright,lol l will make it up tomorrow
Nov 4, 5:29pm
Well the cake is in the oven and smelling nice it is a divider tin so l get 4 large cakes 6" square and 4" high so a nice size to give as gifts
Nov 5, 1:12am
Can almost smell it griffo.My hubby told me today that he wanted a bit of Christmas cake to go with his cup of tea.He wishes!Mind you, I eye it up each time I open the fridge too.
Nov 5, 8:38am
Thanks for going to so much trouble elliehen! I will definitely go into Aldi and have a look. I am going over to Melbourne this coming week for a fortnight - hope its not too hot! My sister in Adelaide said it was 37C there today - ugh! Hope Mel is cooler. Thanks again.
Nov 5, 4:04pm
Melbourne can get very hot. I follow the cricket there and they always cancel cricket city-wide as soon as it hits 40 degrees.
Here's a link to the Aldi home page if you want to look at some of their November 'specials'.http://www.aldi.com.au/
Have a great time.lucky you!
Nov 5, 9:43pm
Thanks for that elliehen. We lived over there for a while and have a house still there so really it feels just like going home in a way! I aways check out Aldi's brochures as they have some excellent products - apart from food often. Yes the temps can be hideous - we were there during the bushfires and that summer was extremely hot. I put a thermometer outside in the direct sun one day and it went up to 52C!
Nov 5, 9:48pm
Cake in the oven, puddings on the steamer and mincemeat just bottled.the house smells gorgeously christmassy.
Nov 6, 1:01am
Gardie l had to be very strong and not cut into the cakes this morning as l wrapped them up to store them l can't wait till Christmas time to cut into them and try them l got a Heston Blumenthal's Hidden Orange Christmas pudding from Nosh so looking forward to trying that as well They sold out in the UK very quickly at Waitrose lt has a candied orange in the middle
Nov 13, 11:39pm
Gardie made your cake its just out of the oven, poured some more of the doings over it and it smells devine. Thanks for sharing its a very easy recipe, later will put nuts cherries etc on it and glaze. Mmmmlove xmas.
Nov 13, 11:42pm
Mine is soaking and going to cook tomorrow.
Nov 14, 12:28am
I got two Aldi Xmas Cakes elliehen - they look very nice tho quite small hence getting two. Just for good measure I also got two of the same brand Xmas mince tarts. Can only try them to see what they are like. I feel quite guilty tho as I always make these things. Never mind - the Xmas pudding is made and maturing! Still in Melbourne and its been warmish - but not too bad. Have had a bit of rain on and off tho.
Nov 14, 11:03am
I have another cake on the bench macerating- just used mixed fruit this time as its for a friend whose husband is very ill and he is the chief christmas cake baker.He makes his with mixed fruit so I thought I'd do the same.Poured over brandy this time - and forgot how good brandy tastes!Into the oven one night this week when I get home early enough.So glad that others have had successes.
If I decorate the top before baking (cherries, almonds, walnuts, brazils), I brush with heated apricot jam as soon as its out of the oven (and after the mandatory sprinkle) and then wrap as normal.Its all ready to go then once opened - no need to do anything more.
I'm doing fondant this year - haven't decided on decorations yet though.
Nov 25, 9:49pm
Just added first lot of Brandy to mine, weighs in at just on 5kg. Can't wait much longer.yummm
Nov 26, 1:02pm
Have made 3 already for gifts. I bake it in a wooden box.
Nov 26, 9:02pm
I've been told I've got three cakes coming over.They may not be as good as your home-made, but I'm sure you deserve a break.I don'tfeel guilty at all - I deserve one too ;)
Nov 28, 12:28am
thank you gardie I've been looking for a recipe like yours. I shall try it
Nov 28, 12:50am
l made gardies one and l just fed it more 42below feijoa tonight and it smells so nice can't wait to try it
Nov 28, 12:55am
I am looking forward to reading posts after the Christmas day tasting of all these cakes!As well as my normal cake, this year I tried another cake that someone posted here made with condensed milk.Although it took waaaay longer to cook than I thought (very late night!) it looks good.Hosting an early Christmas dinner this coming weekend so will get to do the taste test then.I hope its not as nice as mine cos its a lot fiddlier lol!
Feb 9, 1:57am
I just had to bump this back up as we just cut "Gardies Christmas Cake" that I had made in late November. We had another cake that we ate over Christmas that i had also made (the condensed milk one, didnt rate it) and have had so many treats and things leftover that we only just got it out f the cupboard. All I can say is WOW! I can't even remember what booze I used in it but I will definitely be making this recipe again, thanks Gardie! Now to try and save some for my fruitcake adoring mum & stepdad who are visiting from Oz mid next month ;-)
Feb 9, 2:08am
Great feedback.Once its cut in this house, there's no saving any!Could go some now with the cuppa my darling has just made me.
Feb 9, 2:10am
Its a bit late now for me to give you any advice - sorry!How did it go!
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