I have bought one of those metal steamed pudding bowls with the lid.
But I don't know how to cook with it. Do I somehow suspend it over boiling water.Then somehow get another lid to go over the top to hold the steam in. Do I cook it right in boiling water!If so, how far up the sides of the bowl should the water be! Or something else.
Oct 11, 4:54am
Put the whole sealed bowl into a pot of boiling water so that the water comes between 1/2 and 3/4 way up bowl.Cover pot and simmer gently.Replace water as necessary.And enjoy your delicious fare!
Oct 11, 4:58am
Make sure it never comes off the boil. Doesn't have to be on full bore, but the water always needs to be gently bubbling. When topping it up, boil the water in the kettle first and bring it back to the boil before turning temperature back down.
Oct 11, 5:00am
and the recipe should tell you how long to simmer it.num num num.now I want one too! :D Have fun.and if it doesn't work perfectly the first time, dont give up.thats what custard was invented for lol.
Oct 11, 5:26am
thanks all.
Oct 11, 8:58am
And spray sides of bowl with cooking spary before putting mixture in.
Oct 11, 5:51pm
When you make your pudding, cover it with a piece of greaseproof paper with a fold in it to allow for expansion, I then cover in tinfoil and then pop the clip lid on. I use a stock pot and I boil the jug ( saves time bringing it to the boil), then add more water from the tap to give you enough to come up about half way on the side of the pudding basin. The best way is to use a trivet or up-turned saucer to place your pudding basin on. Bring water to a light rolling boil and place basin into the pan on top of the saucer. Reduce the heat and allow the water to be a light boil ( not a heavy rolling boil) pop the lid on the stock pot and check regularly,topping up with boiling water when required to keep the level at about half way up the side of the pudding basin. The recipe I do takes about 2-2.5 hours.
Oct 11, 6:17pm
You can make a steam pudd without a lid, as long as the bowl has a lip on it.Take doubled piece of greaseproof paper, large enough to go well over sides of bowl. Leaving a bit of slack in paper tie string round under lip of bowl firmly, leaving enough end to make a handle which reaches over the top, then tie firmly to the string on the other side.Trim paper where necessary.it works really well.
Oct 12, 6:41am
Or put it in the Crock pot overnight,with water half way up
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