Splurged and bought some bacon to make baked potato soup with (and also because I love bacon!) and then got home and it seems to be mostly fat and hardly any meat! I meant to buy the rashers that you can just fry up crispy. what can I do with this type!It is rashers, but so much fat, I can't see how it can be used as meat! Thanks for any ideas, I don't want to waste it :-(
Sep 27, 5:49am
it will crisp up more, and be very tasty and can be used pretty much the same way as other bacon
Sep 27, 5:55am
Just use it as normal, fat and all,um eror you cut the fat off if you don't like it
Sep 27, 5:57am
It sounds like streaky bacon - sliced from a belly.It will have lots of flavour and will crisp up really well.It's what I always buy for our breakfasts.If it gives out more fat than you want for your soup just save the fat and use it for frying potatoes, eggs, onions, burger patties etc.
Sep 27, 6:57am
It's the fat that has the flavour. Eat it.
Sep 27, 7:28am
Gosh I dig through the packets looking for packs like that! I prefer the fat over the 'meat' parts!.
Sep 27, 7:31am
I know what you mean, but seriously it's almost ALL fat.Like 90%. I've cooked streaky bacon before and it didn't look like this, it was more like ribbons of pink and white, rather than this which is like rashers of fat with a bit of pink here and there!Thought I might be able to do that recipe where you wrap chicken breasts in bacon seeing as in that one it's mostly to flavour the chicken.
Sep 27, 10:33am
If I bought bacon and found it was 90% fat I would be taking it back to where I got it from and asking for a refund or replacement - I'm not kidding.
Sep 27, 8:16pm
Butchers bacon scraps from New World Supermarkets, who buys them!Great for b+e pies etc, they are particularly tasty
Sep 27, 9:04pm
A good streaky bacon is perfect laid over your chicken when you roast it.
Sep 27, 9:27pm
Yep always get them for pies, brocolli, and cashew nut salad,macaroni cheese, great for anything savoury with bacon bits in it.
Sep 27, 9:29pm
I agree streaky bacon is great for some things, but if as OP says the bacon is actually 10% meat and 90% fat, I would be wanting my money back.
Sep 29, 3:22am
put the bacon in a sausage casserole,dice up and make mousetraps,pizza topping.
Sep 29, 6:30am
Don't you mean "put the 90% fat and 10% bacon into a sausage casserole - etc" - I don't think I'd want to.Just imagine what it will do to your arteries!
Sep 29, 11:06am
Were there good slices of bacon on the outside of the rasher-pile, or was the fat fully visible when you bought it! If the fat was hidden, I'd be taking it back. If you don't take it back, you can use the fat bacon slices to wrap around and protect dryish meat when you roast it. You can use it in a chicken stuffing (push some under the breast skin, as well as placing it in the body cavity). You can lay it in the mould you cook a terrine or pate in. It need not be wasted!
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