Finally got my hands on a machine and the first recipe I wanted to try doesn't seem to be correct.involves making caramel and it's not caramelising as I can't see how water and caster sugar would! Anyway, if anyone has any nice recipes I could try, I am very keen!Prefer recipes that don't require double or thickened cream as they are difficult to get a hold of.
Sep 14, 5:16am
Can anyone tell me the difference between: heavy cream, thickened cream and double cream! (and have just found Mrs Cake's recipes/blog - please feel free to post any others not already available)
Sep 14, 5:41pm
2 Cups of Cream (any cream suitable for whipping) 2 Cups of Milk 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla Essence 1/2 Cup of White Sugar 3 Ripe Bananas (for Banana Ice Cream - try other flavors!)
Put all ingredients in a blender then blitz, chill for about 1 hour then put into your ice cream maker.
I half this recipe, as my ice cream maker can only make 1 litre.
Sep 14, 11:12pm
what brand of ice cream maker would you recommend please!
Sep 15, 12:15am
This is my simplest recipe but it has beautiful flavour. Be careful not to add too much alcohol, or it will act as antifreeze.
Melon Ice Cream
500g cream 170g sugar 1 vanilla pod ½lemon (squeezed) 35mlMidori melon liqueur Heat up cream with vanilla pod and leave to infuse ½ hour. Heat up cream gently with sugar. Add lemon juice, strain and stir in liquer. Place in ice cream machine and churn (Or freeze it and break it up with a fork every 2 hours or so)
Sep 15, 3:56am
this is the one i have got and it is really good.
Sunbeam Snowy Frozen Dessert Maker
Sep 15, 6:11am
I bought a Krups one.Can't say what it's like yet! Thanks for those recipes!I found one on the message board for brandy snap ice cream which sounded yummy too.
Sep 16, 1:30pm
Krups is great!
Sep 17, 2:42am
Too much creamfor you in the recipes above! - search the internet for a custard-based ice creams - much lower calorie count nandyummy ( and they tendnot to freeze so rock hard if you add about 30g ofglucose pewr litre.The bestice cream for most peopleis vanilla bean- a trick we use is to blitz the vanilla pod with the dry ingredients in a processor and then make the custard. Cool the custard and stand it in the fridge overnight covered - this is called 'aging' and is the key to great ice cream making - all the ice cream on supermarket shelves is aged - even the cheap rubbish. Sieve any vanilla lumps out of the custard before placing it inyour ice cream machine . Yum. We make a litre quite regularly, but with teenagers ( AND ME) in the house, it rarely lasts a day.
Sep 17, 4:30am
I see that you are still marketing those dry and flavourless vanilla beans willyow.
Sep 17, 4:35am
Maybe your head is too far up your butt to be able to taste anything.
Sep 19, 5:07am
I made the Brandy Snap ice cream (got the recipe off here) and it was delicious. Even made my own brandy snaps and smashed them up to use (got quick a lot and lucky I was planning on smashing them up as can't say my technique was that great!).Making some more tomorrow.
Dec 26, 1:30pm
i know this is a bitold but can u post the brandy snap recipe! i cant find it
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