How about we start a thread on how to organise an in expensive kids party!
Games. Pin tail on Donkey egg and spoon race finger painting home made pineata sack race apple dunk It is rediculas the amout spent on kids parties and they dont really care. I have run a childrens entertainment company for over 16 yrs and ive first hand seen the waste of money on kids parties , it is to impress other people and not because the kids want or like it. A bouncy castle at a couple of hundred , a clown at nearly $150 and loot bags to die for . some parents spending up to $30 per loot bag and the loot bag being worth more than the gift the birthday child recieves. Come on folk . lets get real . what happened to those jelly boats our mums made and 100 and 1000's on bread , red sausages and sausage rolls . fanta and a lolly pop! political correct parenting has taken the fun out of a kids party , there days carrot sticks and a cucumber sammy , a drink of pump . WHATS GOING ON! lets get some old fashioned ideas together to hep all the parents out there have a stress free party (for the kids) and not be in debt after it
Sep 13, 4:01pm
$50 for a made-to-order cake is relatively inexpensive
However . the kiddie is 6 yrs old. They are not going to appreciate it any more than a supermarket chocolate cake with candles and a few decorations added/sprinkled on top. So long as they have a cake that looks halfway decent, its all about the taste (any cake with chocolate icing will suit) and the fact that they HAVE a B/day cake.
Hope your kiddie has a great day :)
Sep 13, 4:01pm
I couldn't agree more arl5 - all I can say is I'm glad my kids are now grown adults with kids of their own, and it's not my problem, esp. as all the grandchildren live in the UK.
Sep 13, 4:29pm
Lol . yes mine grown aswell so im just happy to be the one giving advice to others but not worrying myself.
Sep 13, 4:32pm
I agree with keeping up with the kids jones's what ever happened to fairy bread ( sandwich sliced white bread, crusts off and sprinkled with 100/1000 cut into triangles), sausage rolls $4 at supermarket cuting 40 or so sausage rolls, chippies and reduced cream dip, baby savoloys and good old tomato sauce and a bag of cattered lollies on the table, and good 12 pack of party drinks ($6 at the warehouse) and for partygames, pin the tail on the donkey, treasure hunt, pass the parcel, musical chairs all cost next to nothing just a few prizes, there is also the king size chocolate dress up game with a knife and fork , can t remember how that one is played but someone will know, was good fun when it was your turn you dressed up and had to eat as much chocolate as you could before the next turn, but cant remember if it was times or done to music been a few years, theres also tug of war and for girls hulahop competition, the list goes on and on
Sep 13, 6:37pm
Used to decorate kids cakes and $50 isn't out of the way for a nicely decorated cake,sometimes they can take hours to do depending on what the customer wants. Go for other options as all above have suggested if you don't want to spend that much, whatever you choose i'm sure it will be loved.
Sep 13, 6:52pm
I'd go to greater expense (and quality) for an adult, but just picture for a moment the typical children's party.squished cake, half-eaten cake, cake on the floor, regurgitated cake.
Almost forgot.cake being fed to the dog ;)
Sep 14, 2:37am
yer , it concerns me to see mums (and dads) go almost in to debt to just say I HAD A BOUNCY CASTLE or a fairy . this is coming from someone who run a kids entertainment company . one day i woke up and thought where is the fun my parents made for me and my parties! rediculas what some parents feel forced to do for even a 1st birthday .
Sep 14, 3:15am
marksean, if you feel like it, please come back and tell us what you chose and how it went.Your experience can help others with a similar dilemma :)
Sep 14, 5:52am
Depends on the labour involved. Granddie went to a party recently where there was a "wiggles big red car cake". The hostess confessed it had cost $110! It was the size of a small block cake rectangle,like you see packaged in the supermarkets. (tasted like it too, dry as dust, was supposed to be strawberry!) had marzipan captain feathersword inside, guess the labour to make that was what put the cost up! God if my old hands only worked, got the knowledge, just not the hands. The pak'n'save or New World cakes are awesome tastewise, have seen some lovely creations around.
Sep 14, 2:25pm
How about we start a thread on how to organise an in expensive kids party!
Games. Pin tail on Donkey egg and spoon race finger painting home made pineata sack race apple dunk It is rediculas the amout spent on kids parties and they dont really care. I have run a childrens entertainment company for over 16 yrs and ive first hand seen the waste of money on kids parties , it is to impress other people and not because the kids want or like it. A bouncy castle at a couple of hundred , a clown at nearly $150 and loot bags to die for . some parents spending up to $30 per loot bag and the loot bag being worth more than the gift the birthday child recieves. Come on folk . lets get real . what happened to those jelly boats our mums made and 100 and 1000's on bread , red sausages and sausage rolls . fanta and a lolly pop! political correct parenting has taken the fun out of a kids party , there days carrot sticks and a cucumber sammy , a drink of pump . WHATS GOING ON! lets get some old fashioned ideas together to hep all the parents out there have a stress free party (for the kids) and not be in debt after it
Sep 14, 4:01pm
I couldn't agree more arl5 - all I can say is I'm glad my kids are now grown adults with kids of their own, and it's not my problem, esp. as all the grandchildren live in the UK.
Sep 14, 7:00pm
Way over the top.I agree with the above threads.Why don't you just buy an uniced sponge cake.Make the icing and decorate with lollies and sprinkles yourself.Alot of it - is just the hype of the cake.Another good one is 2 litres of ice cream turned upside down and decorated. You can also buy icecream birthday cakes from $20 upwards. Bakery cakes at supermarkets start from $20 upwards.Book early. Buy some personalised toys etc and put on cake from $2 shop. (e.g cars for a boy) I tho would spend $50 plus on a 21st cake for my child as a one off.
Sep 15, 1:49am
and whats with kids having to have a party every year i had one at five, ten and twenty one, my kids have them for when they were one, five, ten, and thirteen they havent hit 21 yet
Sep 15, 2:28am
Thanks for the input everyone! And yes I will come back and let you know what we went with, I'll even try to upload a photo to share after the big day. The party isn't until next month so it's a while off yet, and I'll keep coming back to check out any new ideas and suggestions between now and then, thanks :)
And arl5 - I'll be having fairy bread, savouries, and playing pass the parcel!
Sep 18, 8:26pm
depending on what its like i guess, some people are so clever, i normally make a large one, and ice it nicely, and buy appropiate toy (what ever they interested in) andon put on top, my sons into sailing so went to a little nik nak shop and got little sail boats and used them.
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