I am trying to source healthy and nurtricious meals for my recently widowed father. He is capable of preparing meals, however he finds it time consuming and stressful. We live a good few hours from each other so I am not able to support him regularly with meals. I have found a couple of sites on the internet. Does anyone know of a good company that prepares these.
Aug 28, 2:09am
Salvation army do them in ROtorua. So maybe they will do them in other towns aswell, MY father has had some meals from them and has ben happy with them.
Aug 28, 2:20am
see if you can get in touch with age concern or similar near where he lives, they are very likely to be able tell you who would be able to provide this service.
Aug 28, 2:39am
Farmhouse foods.They're in auckland, but they use a courier to deliver their meals so may well send out of Auckland.Their number is 4128690.I don't have any axe to grind here, but have had their meals in the past and found them to be pretty good.
Aug 28, 3:17am
www.eat.co.nz. They courier fresh meals, but have a lite range that they courier frozen. 5 meals + 5 soups or desserts - $57.
Aug 28, 3:51am
I've heard they are delicious and great value sandra!
Aug 28, 3:52am
We used to freeze meals for my grandmother (who lived 5-6 hrs away) and would courier them to her in bulk every couple of months - much cheaper than buying or getting company to provide.When they arrived she would stock up her freezer and then use them as needed.Didn't take much to freeze a couple of meals from each dinner we cooked.Bought containers and about 3 times a year one of the family would pick up the containers from her and bring them back to be refilled
Aug 28, 4:10am
auntlb wrote: We used to freeze meals for my grandmother (who lived 5-6 hrs away) and would courier them to her in bulk every couple of months - much cheaper than buying or getting company to provide.When they arrived she would stock up her freezer and then use them as needed.Didn't take much to freeze a couple of meals from each dinner we cooked.Bought containers and about 3 times a year one of the family would pick up the containers from her and bring them back to be refilled[/quote)
Thats a great idea, however not convenient for me. Knowing what he spends now I believe he may be better off buying 5 pre packaged meals per week. I think I will order a selection of meals from a couple of companies for him to sample.
Aug 28, 2:15pm
HI Molly why dont you approach your local hospitol and sign dad up for meals on wheels, I am a cook for meals on wheels so I know that there are strict meal guidelines to adhere too, and they are nutricious just like you would make at home, Our ones here cost $9 a meal and the Gvrm subsidises the hospitols by $5 so each meal is $14 but only costs $9 to the people receiving them, 5 days a week, and no courier costs, I used to make mummy packs for my eldest child and fill up a freezer for him and when he came home resend him home with all food neatly packed into his car, And i know how rewarding but benificial it is to the recipient, but if your not seing your Dad on a regular basis it makes it difficllt, and this way there is no reheating so you dont run the rick of him not heating something properly and getting food poisoning from warm chicken or something of that nature
Aug 28, 3:15pm
We just discovered St Chads ezee meals for a relative, she said they were nice.Apparently they distribute to 55 places over NZ so bound to be one near you.Will post a link to the NP one for an idea on meals and prices. http://www.stchad.co.nz/documents/ezeemeals.html
Aug 28, 3:54pm
Contact the RSA and age concern as another poster has just said.The RSA here does meals delivered for $4-00 for aged members.
Aug 29, 3:49am
He lives approx 36km from the nearest main town, and I dont think that the volunteers would travel that far.good idea though.
Aug 29, 3:50am
I have emailed them to check if they have distributers in the areas we both live close too. thanks.
Aug 29, 11:24am
Age Concern down here in Invers do lovely meals, the Hosp ones are fine but nothing like Age Concerns.
Aug 29, 11:26am
What a lovely thing to do for your Grandmother.
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