I can remember when I was at school, the canteen used to make bran biscuits, but they were made on a large baking tray, and cut into fingers, from memory they didnt seem to have much flour in them. And were only about 5mm thick. Anyone have any ideas! The recipes I have found on the net dont seem to match what I remember.
Aug 24, 2:49am
I have a recipe in my Aunt Daisy book BUT it is packed away at present somewhere in the depths of the garage. Maybe someone else has it at hand.
Aug 26, 9:02am
is that the whakatane intermediate bran slice that was on here a while back!
Aug 26, 9:05am
omg thats a bit freaky, yup, was from whakatane intermediate. i'll search some old threads in here.
Aug 26, 9:06am
if so here it is melt 250 gm butter,add 1/2 c raw sugar cool
beat in 2 eggs 2 cup wholemeal flour 2 c bran 1/2 teaspoon BP
mix togetherand cook in a swiss roll tin bake 180 degrees.
Aug 26, 9:07am
must be a really old post. zero results :( they were awesome
Aug 26, 9:08am
if this is it, last time someone asked there was 216 theads before someone called mary, who knew a helper from the canteen revealed the recipe, from 15 years ago.hopefully this is it.
Aug 26, 9:08am
cool, thanks heaps for that :)
Aug 26, 9:49am
do you reckon that this is it, it was somewhere around may 2009, i tried searching for it when you asked, but lucky i wrote it down, i did make it but it was a bit on the dry side, but it was a long on going story, where people were ringing the school, and contacting old teachers, it was a lovely evolving story,
Aug 26, 10:37am
i can remember as a student helping in the canteen, the helpers got out of assembly so never a shortage of volunteers.lol I vaguely remember the woman who ran it was the caretakers wife and was her recipe. the caretaker had a thick accent, but cant say where from.
they werent cooked in a tin though, so thats a bit confusing. they were just on large flat baking trays, sort of resembled anzac biscuits but with less golden syrup. If they were cooked just right they were chewy, slightly over they were crunchy. i made heaps of them at school, but a 12 year old doesnt ask for recipes.lol
Aug 26, 10:57am
Love Bran Biscuits with butter. New World sell nice ones in biscuit section.
Aug 26, 10:31pm
here is the slice version
Bran slice yummy Whakatane intermediate
Melt 250gms butter, then add 1½ cups raw sugar when cool beat in 2 eggs, then stir in 2 cups Wholemeal flour 2 cups Bran flakes and 1½ baking powder. Mix well together. !st it can be put into a sponge roll tin and cook at 180dgs until cooked, This comes out like a cake, so Ice it with Chocolate icing. 2nd when cool enough take tsp lots roll into balls onto a tray and press flat cook in at 160dgs until cooked and crisp when cool
Aug 30, 6:25am
haybales.is this the school you were at whakatane intermediate
Aug 31, 12:53am
yup, whakatane intermediate.
i tried the recipe above, but the supermarket only had wheat bran, it might be the same thing, but seems a little different.
Aug 31, 1:23am
pity you missed the thread, it was a lovely little story, people with connections were adding their thoughts.Is wheat bran the same as bran flakes!
Aug 31, 1:56am
Healtheries makenice Bran Flakes. You can find them in most supermarkets
Aug 31, 2:22am
yeah, its a bit of a shame. I suppose trademe would have it in archives somewhere! Im not sure if they are the same, my initial thoughts were it looked too pale once cooked, I remember them being browner. And to add to the recipe above, if your making them on a tray only about 5mm thick, 10 minutes seems to be about right for them to be still a little chewy. Ive made 3 batches in the last few days, and everyone eats them like no tomorrow :)
Aug 31, 5:00am
I remember those Bran Biscuits at Whakatane Intermediate the were only10c a slice I loved them
Aug 31, 5:03am
Bran Biscuits Ingredients:
5 oz/140 gm butter 1 cup sugar 1 dessertspoon golden syrup 1 beaten egg 2 cups bran 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder pinch salt
Cream the butter and sugar. Add the golden syrup and then the egg. Combine all the dry ingredients and add to the mixture. Mix well. Roll out on a floured board and then cut into squares. Place on an oven tray and bake at 180 C/350 F for 10 to 15 minutes (if you are using a fan-forced oventhen you will need to lower the temperature by up to 10 degrees centigrade and/or adjust the time).When cooked place on a wire rack to cool and then store in an air-tight container.
Try this one I got it fromhttp://www.kiwibaking.com/- bran-biscuits-recipe/
Aug 31, 5:25am
That recipe is the same as mine jahflava, they are really good with the syrup
Aug 26, 9:05am
omg thats a bit freaky, yup, was from whakatane intermediate. i'll search some old threads in here.
Aug 30, 10:37am
i use the recipe on the Healtheries packet.my grandies call them "anzac biscuits" so i don't tell them theyre bran;)
Aug 31, 9:21am
Here's my recipe, make a fairly big recipe, but they freeze well. Bran Biscuits
500gr butter 3 cups flour 2 cups sugar 2 cups bran 2 eggs 1 cup coconut 1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1-2 tabs boiling water& pinch of salt. Soften butter cream with sugar. Add eggs beat.Add dry ingredients plus b.s and water. Roll into 3-4 logs and refrigerate till firm.Slice thinly and bake at 180°C for about 10 mins. Nice buttered.
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