Marshmallow & malt biscuit slice

john946, Aug 5, 3:52am
I haven't made this recipe for ages & rather than just making the slice off by heart, can I check on the quantities for the recipe: ! 2 pkts malt biscuits & 2 oz butter ; 1 tin condensed milk, 1 large pkt marshmallows - !anything else.

seaturtle, Aug 5, 2:24pm
we always use fruit puffs or eskimos the make this and we call it lolly log
My recipe is
1/2 tin of condensedmilk
4 oz butter
1 pkt malt biscuits
1 pkt fruit puffs
crush biscuits , add to melted butter and condensed milk add lollies . roll into a log shape and crust with coconut

babytears, Dec 14, 9:54am
Another way is to press it into a slice tin to set