Hi Has anyone got a recipe for a malt biscuit slice please!
Oct 1, 8:50am
What flavour: as in lolly cake! do a search under that, it is a good base for most uncooked fudge slices.
Oct 1, 9:19am
Im after any recipe really using malt biscuits.
Oct 1, 10:24pm
Did you find a recipe, if not, I have one if you like.
Oct 2, 12:56am
This is nice
Chocolate and Cherry roll 125g cherries (cut up) 1 pkt malt biscuits 125g butter ¼ cup sherry 250g Energy Chocolate 1 egg 1 cupcaster sugar Pinch of salt
Soak cherries in sherry. Crush biscuits. Divide chocolate in half and cut up one half into small pieces. Cream butter and sugar, add egg and salt and slowly blend in the biscuits, chocolate and cherries and finally sherry. Place mixture in fridge for 30 mins until firm. Divide in half and roll into two logs shape in tinfoil. Leave 1/2 hour until log sets again. Melt other ½ of chocolate and cover with it. Chill and leave 24 hours before serving with whipped cream
Oct 2, 1:07am
Are you interested in using malt biscuits for slices only - how about cheesecake bases/crumb crusts!The following is easy-to-make and lovely to eat.
Mix the butter and the biscuit crumbs together well, then press the mixture into a 23cm (9”) pie plate and refrigerate.
Filling: 1 tbsp gelatine 2 tbsp water 2 eggs, separated ½ cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 tsp instant coffee ½ cup (125g) cream cheese
Add the gelatine to the water. Leave to stand for 5 minutes. In a double boiler or basin mix the egg yolks, half of the sugar and the milk. Stir over hot water until the custard coats the back of spoon, then add the coffee and the gelatine and stir until dissolved. Cool. Beat the cream cheese until soft, then gradually add the cooled custard. Beat the egg whites and the remaining sugar until stiff, then fold the meringue-like mixture into the setting custard mixture. Pour the filling mixture into the biscuit crust and set it in the refrigerator. Decorate with whipped cream and kiwifruit or strawberries. Serves: 4-6 Note: This cheesecake freezes well and can also be made in individual portion-sized containers e.g. yoghurt pottles. :-))
Oct 2, 5:55am
I would like to get your recipe please.
Oct 2, 5:56am
Thanks everyone for your ideas.
Oct 2, 8:05am
Chritmas Slice.
2 pkts Malt Biscutes,crushed,put into a bowl and mix through 1 pkt chopped glaced red cherries,and 3/4 cup chopped crystalised ginger OR chopped dried Apricots,( I add both ).
Then in a jug,empty 1 can of condensed milk and 200 grams of butter,chopped up.Zap on HIGH in Microwave at one minute bursts,'till the butter is melted,mix well.Add this to the biscute mixture and stir well 'till all combined.Press into a swiss roll tin lined with gladwrap or baking paper.Refridgerate for 1 hour.Cut up. Will keep in freezer for 3 months if wrapped well with gladwrap and put into a plastic bag.
Oct 2, 10:09am
Naomi Bar sliceis lovely
Oct 3, 12:18am
1 packet malt biscuits crushed in food processor until really fine.
Melt 16 oz butter Melt 16 oz sugar Add 1 tbspoon cocoa 1 tsp vanilla essence Combine all ingredients in saucepan until melted and boiling. Take off stove and add one beaten egg and whisk through quickly.
Add to crushed biscuits and blitz until all combined. Press into a lined lamington tin and add chocolate icing. It is exactly like a fudge slice but because its been blitzed until fine - it tastes quite different and I always get people asking me to make it.
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