Feijoa Season?

gjsimps, Mar 18, 8:40pm
When are they ready for Sale?
So looking forward to eating them.

winnie231, Mar 18, 8:58pm
April I would think ... I've got loads on the tree this year but they're still quite small.

rog.e, Mar 18, 8:58pm
Type Feijoa into Keyword box in the search recpes on the left of this page andclick on the date one Anytime. Heaps of recipes we have all posted in a previous season will come up.

gjsimps, Mar 18, 9:02pm
Thanks winnie and rog. eI have the recipes waiting on the fruit now. If anyone has Feijoa's for sale later list on Trademe 1 buyer waiting here yum.

muffycaz, Mar 18, 10:16pm
They start to fall about mid to late April.

uli, Mar 18, 10:22pm
I am eating mine since 3 weeks.

vintagekitty, Mar 18, 11:50pm
Love, love feijoas but they dont seem to grow well here.

redhead21, Nov 22, 10:07am
In the shops now.