Who makes their own yoghurt?

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pickles7, Nov 11, 10:39am
You don't need sheep's milk to make Greek yogurt... ... . . Sheep's milk has the same taint as goats milk... . I wouldn't buy it, made from sheep's milk... . All it is, is yogurt, drained of a lot of liquid... . Line a medium-large bowl with a piece of cheesecloth or a clean piece of cotton material, kept for the purpose... . [boil between uses]... . Pour your yogurt into the cheese cloth, tie the corners together and hang to drain for 3-4 hours... . Thick Greek like yogurt. This yogurt has many more calorie's than the same volume of ordinary yogurt.

uli, Nov 11, 1:23pm
The fat content is similar to cow’s milk but in goats milk there is a higher proportion of small fat globules which make it easier to digest. It is naturally homogenised. This is why you do not see any fat on top of the milk. If making butter you need a separator.
The composition of the milk depends largely on the breed of goat and the season. In the summer the milk yield is high, and the fat and protein contents are low. Conversely, in the winter the milk yield is low, and the fat and protein contents are higher.

davidt4, Nov 11, 2:31pm
This is totally incorrect. Sheep and goat milk have their own characters but they are certainly not "tainted" unless your dairy procedures are insanitary. And you have confused Greek yoghurt with labna, which is strained yoghurt.

pickles7, Nov 11, 4:35pm
like... . janny3... . no one knew they had goats milk in there coffee if the milk was under 2 days old... . We kept goats for years , milked them by machine twice a day, It has nothing to do with what they are feed, they are foragers. Made butter, and yogurt with the milk... . You have to look hard to find fresh goats milk in thesupermarkets, all to do with the fact it takes on a "goat" taste... . We were lucky as we had fresh milk every day, what we didn't sell, we feed to our pigs... . Our dairy had to be of a highest of standards, to be able to sell... . google "Greek yoghurt".

popelka1, Nov 11, 4:40pm
Total novice here but it sounds like something I'd enjoy doing, can someone give me some measurements please i. e how much "yoghurt" culture to how much milk ect, could you just buy a good quality plain yoghurt and use that as your starter?

I'd be making the hot water cupboard version so what do I do/ just mix the starter and milk and pop it covered on top of the hot water cylinder and left overnight? ... Idiot proof yoghurt making tips appreciated please lol

pickles7, Nov 11, 5:24pm
enjoy experimenting popelka, use natural, unsweetened yogurt as your starter popelka. Google for a recipe, there are so many variants, you will find one that will suit you. . It took me a long time to get my goats milk yogurt, fail-proof... . I used to salt the yogurt, sometimes, to make cottage cheese... .

pickles7, Nov 11, 11:07pm
a recipe for... ... popelka1... . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ... . . any one.

janny3, Nov 12, 10:47pm
Oh wow Pickles, great idea, would love to try the butter. Yum! We only made goats cheese.
popelka, scald the milk then cool to blood-warm/baby bottle temp just hot enough so a dipped finger's comfortable (best get a thermometer til you're experienced). Stir in the milk powder & fresh yoghurt, then wrap your container in towels & leave on the hotwater cylinder for 6 hours or more. If you're using an Easiyo maker, use about 800 mls of milk, scalded then cooled, a cpl of generous dollops of fresh yoghurt & a cpl of generous dstspns of milk powder. Combine & leave to set in the Easiyo in the usual manner.
Uli, you're right about the fat. I only ever drank it when it was plentiful & not as fatty. We had white goats w/ creamy sweet milk but when they ate my father's old shirt off the line, I fed their milk to the animals.
BTW:Just refrigerated creamy yoghurt set in the Easiyo. Made inexpensively from UHT milk straight from the carton, 3 dollops yoghurt & 3 heaped spoons of milk powder. No fuss or mess. Easy!

lindi4, Nov 12, 11:57pm
No pkt mix ... ... ... . . I make yoghurt by buying a wee pottle of plain yoghurt as a starter, and mixing in 3 heapd tblspns of milk powder and milk(think about 500mls). Keep warm in a yogurt maker that is pugged in on the bench overnight, they are worth buying. I got mine in the op shop! ! ! !

kaylfrazer, Nov 13, 2:50am
I'm a caspian sea yoghurt fan too. . has to be the easiest yoghurt to make. . 24 hours sitting on the bench and it is ready. i bought mine on trademe and have lept it going since May now.

danielvds, Nov 13, 5:19am
I have read that caspian sea yoghurt is a rather runny yoghurt. Is this correct purplegoanna or kaylfrazer? I'm interested in trying it but would like to know a little more about it first. TIA

pickles7, Nov 13, 2:57pm
... janny3... we had Toggenburg milking goats, great producers, We used to show them... I was the only one who ate the cheese , so I never bothered. A goat breeder near us, made cheese, I gave her most of the butter I made, in return she gave me cheese... there is not the fat content in goats milk, compared with cows, but like cows milk, the fat rises to the top... . It must be said, no matter how you make your yogurt, the equipment must be sterile, clean is not always good enough, don't waste good ingredients... I am often told the plastic jars that come with the yogurt makers are no good, they don't work... It will be that the jar needs to be sterilised. I always use janola in my jars now, not a lot, a few drops, I rinse it with boiled water, before I make the yogurt. The pkts of yogurt are near $4. 00, who wants to fail? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ... . lindi4... . I am off to make it your way , now. .

popelka1, Nov 13, 4:17pm
Thanks people, my first batch is in the hot water cupboard as we speak weeeee!

pickles7, Nov 13, 4:50pm
good on you... . popelka... . I went to make mine and found someone had got down on the last yogurt in the fridge... Well never mind I had a pkt of 'yog-it" in my cupboard. I mixed 1/2 a cup of skim milk powder 1 heaped Tblsp of "yog-it" with blue top milk, ... put it in a quart size preserving jar, filled it up to the top with extra milk , shook it, put a lid on and put that in a 10 liter bucket of hot water from the tap... . The remaining lot of "yog-it" I made up with a extra heaped Tablsp of milk powder and put that in my yogurt maker...

kaylfrazer, Nov 14, 3:03am
Hi danielvds, Caspian sea yoghurt certainly has an unusual texture. . a bit gloopy and not everyone likes that. Whether it is runny depends on the type of milk used. Green low fat can be a bit runny. i use the yellow top milk (low fat but extra calcium) and get quitre a thick, almost greek yoghurt effect. It has a very mild flavour but the texture is different to most yoghurts. I love it with oranges and kiwifruit.

uli, Nov 14, 3:20am
Caspian sea yoghurt could be classed as a pouring yoghurt, so is nice over muesli or fruit. However I detest those strings, it is very viscous. Just not my type of joghurt. I make it for others with fresh goats milk and they all like it :) then go and buy myself the best Greek yoghurt in NZ from Mahoe: http://www.mahoecheese.co.nz/our_products.html

pickles7, Nov 14, 3:10pm
What do they make there "greek yogurt" with uli ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

pickles7, Nov 14, 4:37pm
... . popelka1... . how did yours turn out? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? both my lots were ok. . I was not that keen on the pkt one though, too much water... I drained out 1 cup. The milk one took a lot longer as the bucket went cold too fast. . I had to finish it in the plastic container and put it in the yogurt maker, with boiling water. that finnished in 1 hour. . I am going to sprinkle 1 tsp salt over the last lot and make cottage cheese. . I will cut up some chives to add, as a zing, to what really is a bland cheese. .

skye7, Nov 14, 6:17pm
I use the Easi Yo Greek Yoghurt Mix and find it fantastic. I am a huge Easi Yo fan and love the Greek Yoghurt and Custard Yoghurt.

aspenh, Nov 14, 6:19pm
I like the Greek Yoghurt mix too - its YUMMMMM! !
Made my first batch for a while the other night after reading this as moved and lost use of hot water cupboard. Put it near the fire (was going) and it was fine as. I use a hansells maker as preferred the shape of the containers.

oh_hunnihunni, Nov 14, 7:22pm
If you want a denser yoghurt add milk powder to your milk before you culture it. And try yoghurt cheese - it's wonderful. Just plonk your yoghurt into a cheese cloth set into a colander and allow the whey to drain offand the yoghurt to solidify over 24 hours or so. Yum, makes a good substitute for butter...

lenart, Nov 15, 1:19am
Hi Kay. Great news, that your yoghurt is still going strong. Just wonder if 24 hours is a bit long. Ours is ready in 8 hours. But again we use around 15% starter, and if you use less (which is perfectly fine too) it takes longer. We read somewhere that you could use even 1%, but never tried this, might take too long.

love.a.bargain, Nov 15, 2:25am
I saw that on Good Morning the other day and tried it but mine curdled. Do you think I had the milk too hot?

princelee, Nov 15, 2:29am
Hi there, Does anyone have any idea if this would work for soy yougurt?

uli, Nov 15, 3:11am
No it wouldn't, as soy has no lactose for the bacteria to feed on. I am not sure why you would want to eat soy in the first place? Maybe you have a dairy allergy? If not then please do yourself a favour andread a bit here: http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/