Can someone give me a recipe please? Also what sort of container do you use?
Feb 13, 6:53am
1 litre dark blue milk Heat in pot and leave to cool to lukewarm. 1 pottle yoghurt - plain greek is good cos you can use it in savoury dishes or as sweet yoghurt Stir in the yoghurt. Pour into an icecream container, place the lid on, and place in the hot water cupboard overnight.
In the morning, stir in some sugar, honey or stevia for sweetening and any flavouring you want, mashed fruit etc.Makes great ice blocks!
if you want to thicken it a bit drain it over a bowl in a sieve using some hand towels or a tea towel until it is the consistency that you want
Feb 13, 8:43pm
I use milk powder - 1 cup to 1 litre water, then add 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt.Put it in my yoghurt maker per usual instructions overnite - or you could just use a thermos. You only need to buy your starter once, then save 2 tablespoons from the last batch to make the next.
Feb 13, 10:33pm
Thick yoghurt can be made from UHT milk, it's been heat treated already and the proteins stabilized. Can add some milk powder as well. Milk needs to be heated to 44C before mixing with yoghurt culture (dry or fresh) and kept at this temperature during fermentation for 3-5 hours. Refrigerate when ready. I use glass jars, easy to sterilize. As an alternative, room temperatue yoghurt, easy to make, no heating required, but it is thinner than normal yoghurts, though it can be drained through the cheese cloth to make it thicker.
Feb 14, 1:11am
find yourself a caspian sea yogurt starter then al you need is a glass jar and some milk and your set for life, it only takes 12hrs and as long as you save a cup for the next batch youll have it foreva...
Feb 14, 2:24am
Oh you guys are fantastic thanks so much! :)
Feb 14, 2:26am
I've heard to add some milk powder to it to give it a thicker/creamier consistancy. Im thinking about trying some from raw milk on the farm :-)
Feb 14, 3:02am
Thanks so much for this information,did not know about the starter,that is awesome,many many thanks.
Feb 14, 7:05pm
Thisis how I make mine too. I use 200 grams of whole milk powder and a couple of spoons of the last batch and make in my yogurt maker like normal. It makes a really thick yoghurt and works out about $2 a batch.
Feb 14, 7:06pm
What is caspian sea yogurt?
Feb 14, 8:15pm
this page explains it best, basically its yogurt, you keep 1cup add it to a ltr of milk, leave it on the bench overnite (or hwc during winter) and then you wake upto a ltr of yogurt, to make the next batch all you need to do is save a cupful of whats in the our house its called the 'never-ending yogurt'! lol, you can put sugar or honey into it before you leave it out overnite, its a starter bug similiar to gingerbeer/rewena and sourdough bugs. It tastes just like unsweetened natural yogurt.
Feb 14, 8:29pm
Pamellie,thank you,I like thick yoghurt.
Feb 14, 9:00pm
Caspian Sea yoghurt was created in Japan in 80s and it has become very popular there. It consists of two lactic acid bacteria and not as thick as bulgarian yoghurt but has a unique honey-like viscosity. Not sour, very mild in taste. Dry starter sold in commercially manufactured sachets. There is a range of similar fermented milk products that work at room temperature: Finnish viili and piima, swedish filmjolk (tastes like kefir).
Feb 14, 9:17pm
can the bulgarian be used i the same as caspian? ie save a bit to make more?
Feb 14, 10:26pm
Yep, you can do it, but not at room temperatures, Bulgarian yoghurt is thermophilic and needs higher temperatures, either in the oven or hot water bath for a few hours. And the culture needs to be fresh. Old yoghurts may not have enough viable bacteria due to long exposure to lactic acid which eventually kills the bacteria. I use commerical dry yoghurt culture to make it, it only needs a couple of grains of culture per litre of milk.
Feb 15, 3:11am
im lucky because we are on a dairy farm so milk is free. i mix 1 litre milk with 2 tablespoons of easio greek youghurt (1 packet of easio will make approx 8 litres) 2-3 tablespoons of milk powder (makes it thicker). shake it up really good in the easio container and set as normal with boling water in the easio maker.
if you want yoghurt cheese strain it through a muslin cloth until desired consistancy.
Apr 23, 11:53am
Free milk, awesome! Even better to buy commercial yoghurt culture pouch for a few hundreed litres than yoghurt packs which have lots of milk powder and a tiny bit of culture for 1 litre.
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