Hi Trade Me Messageboarders, without bringing up the thread re BBQ recipes for you know who, I will put this here as a seperate posting...
About a month ago, bought some lamb flaps to experiment on a BBQ, Pak'N'Save had them at 3 for $9. 95 and of very good size.
Have searched for various places on for ideas but no one including the internet had anything re Rolled Lamb Flaps.
I can now report that the following was very successful and very nice.
Once again for Trade Me Users and anyone else viewing this should really look at the only original Messageboard of Trade Me Recipes...
Rolled Lamb Flaps Rotisserried.
Firstly, de-bone the flaps by using a very sharp knife, cut down each side of the bigger bones, then start at the thickest end and gently start lifting the bone from the meat and at the same time using the knife to cut and scrape the bone from the flap working to the other end where the bone then goes at an angle into the flap. This bone part is tapered and goes length-wise in the flap, continue using the knife and work this bone out, trying to keep as much meat as possible in the flap. Any pieces that do come off can be placed back into the flap when rolling it. To reduce fat content, turn the flap over so the skin is facing up, with the knife, start cutting into the fat and start peeling the skin back to about a quarter to a third of the way across the flap. Scrape and cut out as much fat as possible without piercing or cutting the skin, skin is still attached to flap.
Make up the filling with either seasoned mince, breadcrumb stuffing, or a combination of both, best with mince seasoned as if one is doing patties or rissoles.
One could also have fresh herbs mixed in.
Gently roll the flap, ensuring all keeps within.
Secure with cotton string at intervals along the roll. Cap each end with a piece of baking paper (foil tends to rip easy) and secure with string, this helps to stop the filling or stuffing from coming out of the ends whilst being cooked.
One may brush a glaze, a bit of mint jelly, whatever or even a sprinkle of salt, the natural fats still left in it will self glaze whilst cooking.
One did the latter part.
BBQ rotisserie for 1 ½ to 2 hours plus checking with a BBQ thermometer for doneness. Allow to rest for 10 to 15 minutes before slicing (about ½ inch thick) and serving. If allowing to cool before cold slices then slices can be thinner.
This came out lovely hot or cold.
Hoped this will give ideas to other Trade Me cooks.
Cheers, and everyone have a great week.
Mar 15, 4:35pm
Oh, the biggest thing about doing it rotisserrie as in above posting was that it gave one the freedom to do other things... . and was not continuing being in attendance wise slaving, cooking, etc etc.
One was able to do other items, without any hindrance of being in one place all the time... . .
So anything that can be rotisserried especially in use of a BBQ has to be a great advantage besides the obvious superior tastes and end result of all being cooked nicely.
One can also imagine this being cooked in an oven... ... . if one wishes.
Cheers and hopes this makes sense.
Mar 18, 2:04am
At one time I am sure these were available when I was flatting already prepared and was alredy stuffed and sold as "colonial goose"
Flaps get bad press an rightly so and I believe Tonga has banned them.
The pacific is a dumping ground for cheap fatty cuts.
You can find lean flaps if you are selective just like pork loin strips.
If they are fatty you don't buy them.
Cook them long and slow on a raised grate in the oven Yumm1
Mar 18, 3:59am
try alison holist she used to do it you have to trim the silver skin and the fat as well stuff and roll . i used to cook it in an oven bag rolled up tight to keep it from unrolling . it -needs long and slow cooking as its a mussel that is always moving
Mar 18, 4:01am
you can also cut it into strips after you have trimmed it across the grain thinly and use it in stir fry if its not over cooked it needs to be pink
Mar 18, 12:57pm
My mum always bought lamb flaps and deboned/defatted them(a very time consuming job but well worth it for the end result). Lay them out flat and cover with stuffing then roll them up and tie off and cook them slowly in the oven. Absolutely delicious, and even better than beef olives! !
Mar 18, 3:57pm
Exactly what one did, can be a bit timely but the end result was worth it...
One when purchased them did the deboning then plus the fat part then just rolled them and into the freezer.
Once defrosted then one continued as noted above.
Mar 18, 7:51pm
I love lamb flaps! Fat and all though I must say as that's the way my mum makes them. Happy to say I'm not as big as a house though coz I only have them now and then :)All things in moderation - including moderation ;)
Nov 14, 5:04am
Mmm. Why not just buy a whole lamb? Aussie Butcher does them. I got one a few weeks ago, $80 (not from AB), had it cut into leg roasts, shoulder chops, racks, shanks, ribs, etc. Used everything except the flaps which I gave to the dog over the road. A lamb lasts us ages, and is way cheaper than buying bits from a supermarket. More cost effective and you don't have to resort to using the less nice parts to save money. I know up north more it would be say $120 or so for a lamb but even so, still works out cheaper by far.
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