Spiral Vegetable slicer

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cnf, May 19, 9:38pm

Hi Folks, anyone know where I can purchase one/or similar in New Zealand,
They make lovley little healthy spirals , yum...Thanks for your time

cookessentials, May 19, 9:49pm
Dont think they are available here and they look pretty flimsy. The one below is available in NZ and is far more robust and does the same thing.


pericles, May 19, 9:52pm
maybe this


cnf, May 19, 9:56pm
Awesome . Thank you, Where do I purchase it...or am I just blind, Friday...itus

cnf, May 19, 9:58pm
Thanks folks, any other suggestions

olwen, May 19, 10:17pm
The one that's on my wish list for a luxury kitchen is a Benriner.

There are a couple of models.

cnf, May 19, 10:29pm
Whoooaaa, pricey, but oh so nice, adds to luxury wish list:)
Might have to settle for common old vege knifeLOL

florence14, May 24, 6:42am
cookessentials.... where can you buy this spirelli model?

guest, May 24, 1:37pm
I tried the one from gefu - whilst it did the carrots reasonably I found it too hard to get a decent amount and only works with firm carrots (no good on those softies still in the fridge LOL)

guest, May 24, 1:41pm
I did see a potato spiraller at a show last year - it was a sample and is supposed to be IN this year. Check out the likes of The Home Show when it comes to a town near you - they might have it - same people who do potato peelers, I think.

cookessentials, May 24, 4:34pm
Most cookware stores have them. If you are In Auckland, Milly's should have it.

cookessentials, May 24, 4:36pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFSlt15DEgQIt's in German, but you will get the idea.

cnf, May 25, 10:44pm
Thanks for your help...You are right the Gefu 'Spirelli' Sliceris what I am after and it looks really robust, thanks for your help

cnf, May 26, 2:15am

cnf, Jun 18, 5:35pm
I have now purchased the gefu spiral slicer, having lots of fun, anyone got any great recipes/suggestions, I have done a really basic pasta dish, cheees sauce, carrot veges and bacon

elliehen, Jun 18, 6:31pm
cnf...looks like fun...and a good gadget to encourage kids to eat vegetables :)

cookessentials, Jun 19, 5:04am
$56.21 according to the site

janny3, Jun 19, 10:13am
Saw one on TV1 'The Food Truck'.The chef put spuds in his for a new healthier version of Kiwi Fish n Chips. http://tvnz.co.nz/the-food-truck/ep-2-curly-wurlies-4174281 Said they can be purchased at Japanese grocery stores.

cnf, Jun 19, 2:50pm
Yes... that special offer has expired, I managed to get one in Hastings from Jessica's kitchen store, I missed out on one on trade me for $35.00,
let the healthy eating begin ....
cookessentials....You havn't considered stocking them?

pam.delilah, Jun 19, 3:13pm

prawn_whiskas, Jun 19, 9:27pm
That's cool, its like a pencil sharpener for veggies. lol

dbab, Jun 20, 5:36pm
Wow that was fast.
I ordered one of these in pam.delilah's thread yesterday at about 11.00. It has just been delivered by courier.
Can't wait to give it a try.

cookessentials, Jun 20, 5:38pm
No. I looked at them at the gift fair in Melbourne a couple of years ago and thought they were expensive for the amount of use they would get. There are other brands around, but the Gefu is a pretty good one.

cookessentials, Jun 20, 5:42pm
The Progressive curly fry cutter is different to the Gefu Spirelli

elliehen, Nov 7, 8:55am
Just bought my Gefu in Golden Bay - where lots of recent German immigrants find a haven...

...anyone for carrot curls??