Maggi Packet mixes in the slow cooker

tc47, May 5, 4:02am
How would I go about preparing the Maggi Sweet and Sour pork mix, in my slow cooker.

Some of their other mixes have slow cooker conversions, but this one does't seem to.

tc47, May 5, 2:40pm
Bounce :)

hutchk, May 5, 2:45pm
I usually just cut whatever liquid is required down by about two thirds then chuck it in. If it's looking too dry after a few hours, I'll pour a little boiling water in. Have taken to browning meat beforehand lately, really improves the flavour.

pickles7, May 5, 5:06pm
Browning the meat is the way to enhance the flavour, for sure. But I find it a pest, when I just want to get going out the door. A pkt of soup mix, is OK. I never care about what it is, just the oldest in the pantry will do. I just sprinkle it over the top and, probably put more rather than less water in. As I often put my pot on all night, I cannot have it going dry.
I like to post what I do, then its there for next time. Post what you do.

tc47, May 6, 4:02am
How would I go about preparing the Maggi Sweet and Sour pork mix, in my slow cooker.

Some of their other mixes have slow cooker conversions, but this one does't seem to.

hutchk, May 6, 2:45pm
I usually just cut whatever liquid is required down by about two thirds then chuck it in. If it's looking too dry after a few hours, I'll pour a little boiling water in. Have taken to browning meat beforehand lately, really improves the flavour.

pollyh, May 7, 8:26pm
I have used the 'normal' recipe mixes in the crock pot for years without any hassle etc - thinking about it there is often more liquid at the end so maybe cutting it down by a tiny bit wouldn't do any harm!I just use the same mix/recipe as I would for in the oven and I've never noticed/had a problem with it.Good luck!

pollyh, May 8, 8:26pm
I have used the 'normal' recipe mixes in the crock pot for years without any hassle etc - thinking about it there is often more liquid at the end so maybe cutting it down by a tiny bit wouldn't do any harm!I just use the same mix/recipe as I would for in the oven and I've never noticed/had a problem with it.Good luck!

tc47, Sep 5, 11:57am
Thanks guys :) good tips.