Butter and cheese are increasing in price again !!
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Apr 12, 7:49pm
that is correct. Goodman Fielder used to pay Fonterra $2.30 a unit for milk but when Fonterra froze the retail price they raised the price to Goodman Fielder by the same rate. So now they sell their milk to everyone, including Goodman Fielder, at $2.90. It is the Goodman Fielder brands that will be going up, not the Fonterra brands.
As an aside, all the Pak-n-Savesstopped selling Tararua butter (G/F brand) ages ago and all we can buy now from P-n-S is Fonterra butter and imported butter. Sheesh. I've no idea why we spend our overseas dollars on imported cheap butter. You have to read the label. They had a Chinese brand at one stage and once again the Chinese are killing off their babies, this time with nitrates added to their milk, so who knows what is in Chinese butter?
Apr 12, 8:22pm
I return twice a year and have never seen it so cheap to be honest.My Mum shops at Marks & Spencers, very very expensive, and they have lamb chops at GBP20 per kilo!My SIL works for Tesco and does not buy NZlamb anymore as it is so expensive there, and she gets staff discount!
The dollar was 32 pence when we arrived in 2003 and has been on a steady climb since then.
Apr 12, 8:31pm
dezzie - to be honest, I would have thought my sister must have got it wrong, but when I was there, and she cooked the lamb for me, she showed me the packaging, and it was definitely 3.99kg.When I say "fresh", it was vacuum packed, but fresh rather than frozen.
Apr 12, 8:38pm
butter and cheese has been off the menu for ages.
Apr 13, 12:04am
1 kg blocks of mainland cheese at papamoa pakn save (Tauranga) are $9 this week. I dont know if its all pakn saves or not
Apr 13, 12:10am
I'm fricken sick of the price hikes - especially when hearing that across the ditch and even further away people are buying kiwi products for less than what we can buy them for - it f#cken angersme, I do hope that the govt does an enquiry
Apr 13, 12:16am
5pm News, bread on the increase too
Apr 13, 12:21am
We consider cheese a luxury item now. We buy less butter now too. We buy less meat and more fruit and Veges. It amazes me how much they have gone up. Someone is getting very very rich.
Apr 13, 12:48am
the sad thing of this is the higher up does not care what they are doing to the future of this country, I can see campaigns being brought into schools to encourage kids to drink more milk get more dairy into thier diets and why its so good for them same with bread why its so good for them and the thing that wont change is the price.
Apr 13, 12:53am
Hm - might be time to go dairy and grain free!
Apr 13, 1:07am
It is interesting that every time butter takes a hike in price, they also raise the price of margarine which has no dairy in it at all!Comsumer choice? Yea right!
Apr 13, 1:10am
Bloody unbelievable!! Grr... It makes me so angry that all the healthy stuff goes up in price. No wonder kiwi kids are brought up on junk food!! I was at the field days recently and Fonterra had a stand there. They were giving away free tastings on cheese, and yoghurt. It amazed me how many kids didn't want to taste it, because they didn't know what it was. What used to be a staple is now a luxury!! I noticed as well elliehen that there were limited stocks of cheese around and few specials on both cheese and yoghurt this week. Also looked at the fruit and veg prices. Apples $5 kilo, mushrooms $12 kilo. (and that was at PNsave). No wonder they are saying people are eating petfood. Wonder what the politicians are having for dinner?
Apr 13, 2:18am
This evening Pak'N'Save Richmond had 800gms Tasty for $9.49 and 1kg Edam, Colby etc for $9.95.
And lucky Nelsonians, apples and pears and melons - even quinces - at honesty box stalls on the roadside all the way back to Motueka.Still picking too...
Apr 13, 2:44am
well s--t most times the veges are overpriced too!! thank god we have vege garden and a big chest freezer,
Apr 13, 2:49am
what is going to happen is those market gardeners are going to get minight vistitors and the crime rate of petty stealing is going to go up, how else is a family to feed itself healthy? even making your own bread isnt cheap anymore
Apr 13, 2:56am
I've often wondered how much you actually save by making bread/cakes/biscuits at home rather than buying commercially made products, especially when you take into account the rising cost of power (or gas even) and have always thought that the fact that I know what goes into home baking more than compensates for the extra effort (and possibly extra cost - or at least not a really big saving) but now I'm not so sure any more.
Apr 13, 2:57am
Countdown this week have apples for $2 kg which is a lot better than a while back when they were $8 kg.
Apr 13, 3:00am
kinna - have to agree, it is cheaper to buy coke, fanta, lemonade etc for the kids rather than milk.We all know which is better for them, but if you're really strapped for cash I guess a bottle of coke (which passes for a "treat") is the more logical choice for the little ones.They "think" they are getting a treat.What they are really getting is a raw deal.And the powers that be don't give a stuff."Let them eat cake" !!
Apr 13, 3:01am
cottagerose - I bet those 1kg blocks of mainland cheese are the mild, edam, colby variety, not the tasty ???
Apr 13, 3:03am
Are you all suggesting the Government put price controls in place? That could be the start of a very slippery slope. Where next, wage controls?
Apr 13, 3:10am
lol elliehen, I love living here, the roadside stalls are great, have you been to the nice lady with the vege shopby riwaka school? Andddddd, rumour has it we are getting a westmeat shop in mot, that'll be excellent.
Apr 13, 3:29am
Kay141, not suggesting that at all - yet - but I do think it was a mistake when the government allowed the supermarkets to be taken over so that we now only have basically a choice of two - sure they have different brands of supermarket but they all come under just two duopolies (sp? - I love the word, but hate the reality of it - no competition).Likewise when Fonterra became the bigwig in the dairy industry, basically competition went out the window.Competition keeps prices down.We don't have that competition any more.
Apr 13, 3:46am
I think it still is cheaper to bake. countdown has often 2 packs of muffins for $7.. I KNOW I can make 12 muffins for less than that, including the power surely?
Apr 13, 3:49am
oh well the government and tax payers will be reaping these price rising in years to come with added health costs for the people who carnt afford to eat healthy, or maybe thats their next plan health insurance for everyone or you dont get service in hospital. JUST LIKE AMERICA
Apr 13, 4:11am
Yes, have been going there for years.It used to be in a little shed behind the house, run by Betty herself.She died, and her family have carried on in a larger building.They grow everything on site - nothing is shipped in.
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