Butter and cheese are increasing in price again !!
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Apr 14, 4:13am
Yes, anyone on a fixed income must be really feeling the increases.Sad to think of people having to cutdown on food.
Aug 3, 1:56pm
I've stopped buying energy save lightbulbs because they are terrible!!!!! I can't see or read a damn thing once they're on! I've gone back to old fashioned lightbulbs until they improve the quality of light from the energy save ones!
Re Cheese, the choice in NZ is pretty poor at the best of times I have to say (don't mean to offend anyone but it's true:( ) I always bought tasty cheese when I first came over here from the UK about 15 yrs ago, as it was at least a 'little bit strong tasting'. Unfortunately there isn't a great selection here for good hard cheeses, unless you pay a fortune for 'aged' cheddar in 250g slabs or less! I know this is due to the size of the country probably, and besides, I love NZ for all sorts of other reasons :)So, for my house, I just buy 'colby' cheese now and hope to get it for $9.99/kg. I must find a cheesemaking course to attend, as I'm on a farm and we have a housecow that's milked every day! It would be great to be able to make your own cheese I reckon - especially a really tasty one :)
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