Looking for an retailer in Auckland, but happy to order online too. It's nearly Easter, y'know! Plenty of them down south at the Easter Bunny hunt I suppose!
Apr 8, 8:04pm
Hare thee, hare thee, hop into the Aussie Butcher in Henderson, he sells rabbit. They charge like "wounded bulls" for it, however.
Maybe these guys? I haven't dealt with them myself so don't know what they are like re service etc but worth finding out? I buy a lot of my meat from ruby's list in auckland (via online shopping) but I don't think they carry rabbit although that may be another option to send them an enquiry and find out.
Apr 8, 9:13pm
My god! Nice to be rich huh.
Aussie Butcher sells rabbit, so do some of the ethnic shops in Auckland. best to find a breeder though, it's not cheap otherwise.
Apr 8, 9:57pm
Nice to assume things too...Or could it possibly be a case of prioritizing, budgeting as well as good planning when it comes to my families meals? Gosh I don't know ;-)
Apr 8, 10:03pm
If you were in nelson my husband could give it to you for free. he shoots them all the time and leaves them for the hawks
Apr 8, 10:04pm
Premium game in Blenheim have it, they may supply a retailer.
Apr 8, 10:05pm
Oops didn't see this.Pleas feel free to admire the site
Apr 8, 10:36pm
Find someone to shoot one for you.
Apr 8, 11:21pm
Exactly.Prioritising, budgeting, planning and good cooking skills go a long way towards stretching any housekeeping budget and enabling the occasional exploration into more expensive meats like rabbit, venison, duck etc.
I must say, though, that it goes against the grain to have to pay so much for rabbit when it is a pest.I suppose we're paying for the butchering.
Apr 8, 11:36pm
How much does a whole rabbit cost these days? I would have no idea, we only ever prepare & use the ones my husband or brother in law bring home from a hunt. For myself its quite time consuming to prepare the animals for eating (skinning, de boning, some mincing etc) but for a butcher or someone who does this on a regular basis I can't see it taking very long once you get good at it so not sure how much of the cost is really related to the butchering aspect?
Apr 8, 11:52pm
At my local butcher (central Auckland), where the prices are quite moderate, a whole rabbit costs $28.
Apr 9, 1:54am
Nosh had them I'm fairly sure the other day for about $20 each.
I get my own from time to time but to be honest while we do like them I think thats a bit much for what they are. I prefer Hare if I can get it never seen that for sale. Hare back steaks are the best steak you can get in this country wild or domestic.
Apr 9, 2:14am
I agree, rabbit is okay but hare back steaks are fantastic. I shoot my own as well as deer and pig and if I'm not doing that I'm looking for hungry suicidal trout or salmon. Go to the closest farm to you and offer the farmers son $10 for bunnies or hare.
Apr 9, 3:00am
Had one on my lawn a short time ago :)
Apr 9, 3:27am
Is it in the freezer yet?
Apr 9, 4:09am
It's doing too good a job of keeping the autumn grass down :)
Apr 9, 4:21am
Look into breading your own for meat.They are easy to deal with. Quieter than fattening up chickens.
Apr 9, 4:53am
It was a picture I thought resembled me
Apr 9, 5:13am
That woman would be described as 'Rubenesque': Rubenesque
— adj (of a woman) having the physique associated with Rubens' portraits of women; plump and attractive
Have a peek at some of Llew Summers' sculptures...
I take it you mean 'breeding' and not 'breading' Pickles. Lol! The latter is definitely out of the question for me. And perhaps 'quicker' rather than 'quieter'?
Apr 9, 2:47pm
Try Westmere Butchery. Is a great butcher... old style english butchery.. lots of gabbing and carryon but their meats are very good. And sausages, bacon... etc.
Apr 9, 5:33pm
I am told that the shooter gets about $2 per rabbit and its a complicated process they must come off poison free farms and be head shot they are gutted in the field though the heart lungs live and kidneys I think (may not be all those organs) are left in the carcase. they are then delivered to the game butcher within a tight time frame I guess they are then inspected by a qualified meat inspector(hence the inclusion of the internal organs) then skinned and cleaned packaged and delivered to the trade maybe through a distributor or two everyone clips the ticket allong the way resulting in your $20 - $30 bunny in the butchers window. So its a long trip for the bunny from a farm in central Otago to a boutique butcher in Auckland.
FOr me its a similar process though mine come from farms in the Waikato. No money changes hands and the shooter shoots guts skins cleans cooks and serves said bunny to the whanau.
Apr 9, 6:36pm
BJ just to say that I was still on topic at post # 21.I was simply rabbiting on...
Apr 9, 7:38pm
yep that the one. lol. I had been writing up a storm on bread.
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