The opening sentences in this post is bullying kay. I may have mentioned once, that sexy underwear makes one look very attractive and now it has been extended to 'often'. You and your mates had a rather nasty conversation going on, accusing others of being nasty when all along it was only you.
Even ellihen got the wrong end of the stick. Reread #2 and you will see that elli deliberately misinterpreted so that she could take a bullying tone. Since when was it nasty, btw, to tell the truth as a person sees it. I have often seen people go eeeewww and yuck at someone else' suggestions - comments which haven't caused any of you to make any further comment, so why start now?
Good on you for eating processed foods kay. That is your choice but don't expect others to concur with you. We all have differing opinions about what is and isn't healthy or tasty.
Apr 10, 9:43pm
what did I tell you!
Apr 10, 9:47pm
Why? I'm not a "ready-meal" user nor do I buy pasta sauces in jars and stuff like that, but other packets have recipes. Cans of cannellini beans, baking ingredients, all sorts of packets have recipes, even your frozen veges have recipes sometimes. Some are nice, some not, but if it appeals, you like the ingredients why not try them? Don't know if you don't try.
Apr 10, 9:58pm
Buzzy,buzzy, this thread uli has posted her in her usual vein,a dig at anybody who doesn't follow her mindset,and you,her most devoted follower is swiftly there to follow up.You and uli are quite the little tag team,and its odd how uli can be really quite unpleasant and you never ever see it.Then elliehen and cooks weigh in and before we know it there is another dust up.
Imagine if you can a thread where uli can be snide in reply to a new or differently thinking poster and the rest of us can just roll our eyes and think if we ignore them then perhaps more newbies would participate.
But,no different day,same old sh!t,ho hum.
Apr 10, 10:01pm
...and yes OP,I recently made the Choc yoghurt cake from the back of the Pams BP packet.Over the years I have tried many recipes that feature on packaging. Do keep posting,most of us in Recipes are helpful,and nice with it.
Apr 10, 10:08pm
but you said it was really nice??
Apr 10, 10:11pm
Trying, eastie3, trying...
But often I feel the need to hop in and tell a newbie that all is not what it seems, and that there are only one or two who stomp on new posters with genuine questions and I encourage them to keep on asking.
I will try harder to roll the eyes as you suggest :)
Apr 10, 10:19pm
Me too but I get the impression ignoring them doesn't work. They just keep coming.
And Buzzy, I don't think processed food once in a while is a problem. I don't eat takeaways and heaven help me, occasionally I will have a tin of soup or similar. I have even been known to use tins of soup as pasta sauces or casserole sauces.
Apr 10, 10:24pm
kay, my children gobbled up their steamed broccoli when I put it into a casserole dish and covered it with a can of mushroom sauce mixed with 1/4 cup of mayonnaise and 1 tsp curry powder and put a sprinkling of grated cheese and breadcrumbs overtop under the grill.
Apr 10, 10:26pm
you are right there. it doesn't. At times, one gets so sick of rolling ones eyes that they ache.Somemtimes a little of what they dish out is required. Even though, I dont think there was one mention of any names in the comment/comments made. Funny how some swoop inh...perhaps feeling a little guilty perhaps?? or the tom tom was beating loudy over on the dark site, so they felt it their duty to come in and protect one of their own LOL
Nothing wrong with recipes of certain packets and nothing wronf=g with the odd bit of packeted food either. It's all about balance and after all, who wre we to tell other what they should or should not eat? sadly thaere are those that think that they Do have that right.
Apr 10, 10:27pm
Yum. Try pumpkin soup with chopped salami over pasta. A food in a minute idea. Just heat the soup with the salamiand add a dash of sour cream before serving.
Apr 10, 10:46pm
Okay I've just read thru all these posts and can't for the life of me see how it got so off track...
Apr 10, 10:52pm
Use any recipe you like and adapt it to make it your own. Even great cooks had to start somewhere.
Apr 10, 10:53pm
Because I said that it was an oxymoron to say that great recipes can come from the back of packets and cans...
Apr 10, 10:54pm
from the sourkrauts post
Apr 10, 11:02pm
*waves to the vintage kitty* :)
Apr 10, 11:30pm
uli missed her calling.She often likes to act the part of the Wild Child, upsetting applecarts.
eastie3 must be older than wiser than many of us...she suggest rolling the eyes and moving on ;)
Apr 10, 11:46pm
* rolls back everyone's eyes who have rolled them in this thread * :)
Apr 10, 11:48pm
Just like the cat among the pigeons, there's got to be a saint among the sinners, lizab ;)
Apr 10, 11:54pm
I'm trying to be like one of the 3 wise monkeys ellie ... speak no evil ... very hard holding my hand over my mouth for this long though, we're nearly up to post 50!! ;)
Apr 11, 12:34am
Ha ha. I'll leave you all to wallow in your biased hectoring and belittlement as befits those who choose to descend into name calling (vintagekitty) and sour little posts - (kay, elli, cooks and the rest of the crew). It obviously makes you all feel righteous.
Apr 11, 12:55am
I don't feel righteous but I don't feel I can lecture and belittle people either. Some posts from you and others are insulting and abusive. You don't know us but dare to criticise our lives. If we criticise, it is your posts, not your life. No wonder some never come back.
Apr 11, 1:21am
I have given up responding - I thought initially it made for good discussions but now the posts are simply horrible, it really makes me wonder what is wrong in the daily life of someone who constantly posts such things.Sad really.
Apr 11, 1:34am
Apr 11, 2:05am
such an interesting comment coming from the sourest and rudest person I have ever come across on these boards. One needs to take a look at themselves before making such comments. "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" springs to mind.
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