Steak with Vegetables and Fries Recipe

Steak with Vegetables and Fries

This meal features a deliciously grilled steak, served with crispy fries, and a side of steamed broccoli and leafy greens. It’s a balanced plate that combines protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making it perfect for a satisfying lunch or dinner.

▪️ 1 steak (your choice of cut)
▪️ Salt and pepper to taste
▪️ 2 cups frozen fries
▪️ 1 cup broccoli florets
▪️ 1 cup leafy greens (such as spinach or kale)
▪️ Olive oil

1. Preheat your grill or skillet over medium-high heat. Season the steak with salt and pepper, then cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until it reaches your desired doneness. Let the steak rest for a few minutes before serving.

2. Preheat the oven according to the fries’ package instructions. Spread the fries on a baking sheet and bake until golden and crispy.

3. Bring a pot of water to a boil and place a steamer basket inside. Add the broccoli and leafy greens, cover, and steam for 5-7 minutes until tender.

4. Place the steak, fries, and steamed vegetables on a plate. Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the vegetables if desired.

Enjoy your steak with vegetables and fries!

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