One stick of butter

wasgonna, Mar 17, 8:01pm
Anyone know what this would equate to in grams, please?

bikernutrr, Mar 17, 8:04pm
113 gms.

wasgonna, Mar 17, 8:18pm
Presuming you're correct ... I thank you.

elliehen, Mar 17, 9:23pm
In the USA you can buy a pound of butter (approx 500 gms) in four separate 'sticks' of 1/4 pound each.

If you chop your 500 gm block into four you'll be very close to a 'stick'.

1dragonfly, Mar 17, 9:26pm

accroul, Mar 17, 9:45pm
1 stick of butter is 1/4 pound or 1/2 cup or 8 tablesppons or 4 ounces OR 113 grams.

from wikipedia:
'The United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations agreed upon common definitions for the pound and the yard. Since 1 July 1959, the international avoirdupois pound has been defined as exactly 0.45359237 kg'

hence why an 8lb baby does not weight 4kg - it only weighs 3.628kg.

wasgonna, Mar 18, 8:01pm
Anyone know what this would equate to in grams, please!

wasgonna, Mar 18, 8:18pm
Presuming you're correct . I thank you.

elliehen, Mar 18, 9:23pm
In the USA you can buy a pound of butter (approx 500 gms) in four separate 'sticks' of 1/4 pound each.

If you chop your 500 gm block into four you'll be very close to a 'stick'.

accroul, Jun 26, 7:55am
1 stick of butter is 1/4 pound or 1/2 cup or 8 tablesppons or 4 ounces OR 113 grams.

from wikipedia:
'The United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations agreed upon common definitions for the pound and the yard. Since 1 July 1959, the international avoirdupois pound has been defined as exactly 0.45359237 kg'

hence why an 8lb baby does not weight 4kg - it only weighs 3.628kg.