You are inviting buzzy to join the circle of friends - now that is astounding ...
Feb 23, 10:02pm
The crux of the argument has been that "calories in versus calories out" does not apply to a low carb diet. A low carb diet works in two ways: firstly it uses an inefficient way to produce glucose, and secondly, an excess of acetone is produced, which is then excreted. An inefficient way of producing glucose means that more energy is utilised. Excretion of acetone by the body represents a waste of metabolic energy. Inefficiency of energy utilisation and wastage of metabolic energy is still "calories out". "Calories in versus calories out" still applies to a low carb diet - the First Law of Thermodynamics still holds true.
Any who says that "calories in versus calories out" is a myth does not understand Physics. And anyone who does understand it, and still uses it as emotive language in literature is only out to sell something.
Feb 23, 10:06pm
If your husband does not have any weight problems, then they are not unhealthy. If he has an active job or lifestyle, and if what he eats is burned off in the course of a day, and he has a balanced diet, then there should be no problem.
Feb 23, 10:08pm
She posted there this morning...that's why I said come 'back'.
Feb 23, 10:08pm
Looks like a balanced diet. Perhaps he prefers the chocolate biscuits to the muffins.
Feb 24, 12:19am
Buzzy, you are unpleasant in the extreme.Everyone else in the recipes thread are generous people that go out of their way to be helpful.Were you never told growing up "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all?"
I'm sure no one here would miss your constant put-downs and negativety if you were to leave the rest of us in peace.
Feb 24, 12:37am
I have posted a lot of information that disputes the ranting from you and othersin your little bully group. You, again, have yet to show anything scientific that says diets other than low carb don't work, or to back up your outrageous claims.
Feb 24, 12:41am
Clueless. You are in a state of negative energy balance if you are losing weight on a low carb diet. Does your hunger override your state of mind? And you have NEVER, EVER posted _PROOF_ that calories in vs calories out is a myth. Quoting a seriously flawed book by your heroes certainly doesn't constitute that.
Feb 24, 1:21am
Unless one is a fanatic, one muffin a day is going to do you no harm at all. Balance is the key thing, anyone eating a normal healthy diet can cope with a bran muffin, the bran bit keeps "things moving" anyway, all in proportion, just be active, and dont stress, stressing over food must be the worst thing, it can evidently can cause all sorts of mental disorders, and make people unhappy and nasty as can be seen on these boards
Feb 24, 1:47am
Honestly, that makes me so frigen angry. Yesterday afternoon when I was hving a breakdown about not being able to get out of my damaged house with 2x dogs and 2x cats, no water/power/phone I would have taken ANYTHING anyone would have given out of the kindness of their hearts.
Feb 24, 2:26am
So so sorry for your predicament Helen,if you could get up here you are most welcome to stay with us, plenty of room, just pop on one of my auctions (no need to go through with it) but it has my phone number, just a thought. Bless you and everyone in Christchurch and surrounds, big hugs to you all. XX
Feb 24, 3:39pm
I have only read this far.Buzzy why do you feel the need to belittle people so much?Why start an answer with Duh?It is so rude and condesending.Not everyone knows everything like you seem to think you do.Sometimes your answers can be fairly helpful but your continuing attitude to people is just rubbish really.Why dont you take a leaf out of bedazzled and ulis books and try a friendly approach?You never know, people may take more notice of what you have to say.
Feb 24, 3:45pm
Surely any food in a time of need is good for the soul!
Feb 24, 3:48pm
Actually, I had a bran muffin yesterday for breakfast on the run at 8.30am.Both my stomach and my soul were well satisfied until they got their lunch at 2.00pm.
Feb 24, 4:23pm
Bran muffins are great, and very good for diabetics as an alternative to biscuits. Like anything, just don't overdo the fat and sugar, and don't eat 3 in a sitting and they're good, nourishing food. A great way to get that all important fibre.
Feb 24, 4:31pm
See mopsy - that is what it is all about: You were "on the run" - not sitting at a desk having cravings :)
Feb 24, 4:36pm
And I'm sitting at my desk with cheese, capsicum, onion & tomato muffins cooking right now - no cravings here, just a good lunch idea for a friend and child coming for a shared lunch :)
Feb 24, 4:37pm
I agree uli but the comment about feeding volunteers in ChCh implied that a bran muffin was of no use to them.And they are sure on the run and also not sitting around having cravings. IMO sitting at a desk having cravings is largely brought about by boredom rather than hunger.
Feb 24, 4:38pm
Mmmm and I am now sitting at a desk having cravings for ellies muffins.And yes, I am bored and avoiding the pile of paperwork in front of me.
Feb 24, 4:49pm
Some of my large Christchurch extended family could well be eating the next batch - all have escaped with their lives, but some with shattered houses are heading to Nelson.
Feb 24, 4:51pm
Well I wouldnt swap my pile of paperwork with what they are going through just to have one of your muffins.I wish them well with their future.
Feb 24, 4:58pm
Thanks mopsy3.Auckland will look very attractive to many from the south now.
Feb 24, 5:23pm
Wish it would look attractive to Ritchie.
Feb 24, 5:58pm
reading this whole thread was exhausting... I need a muffin!
Feb 24, 6:01pm
Your husband sounds like a right tosspot. Geez if your gonna make him morning tea he outta be grateful.
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