It'll be interesting to see how they all measure up in the pressure of a restaurant kitchen.
Mar 14, 10:20am
A vote here for Cameron, with Jax for the second place.
Mar 25, 8:28pm
Now that was a good masterclass last night.
Mar 25, 8:47pm
Wasn't it?I liked the fresh pasta and I guess you liked the duck fat ;)
Mar 25, 9:35pm
Well the complete duck preparation and cooking was fantastic. Must go back to French Cafe soon! And the background to the pasta dish was interesting too Ellie. And even adding fennel to a dessert.
Apr 3, 1:42pm
Anyone else think that the lady who was dropped last night, by those kids' votes, might be brought back later?
Apr 3, 2:03pm
apparantly she is on a 3 week tour of auckland, taupo and wellington working in simon gaults good on her!
Apr 3, 4:57pm
I wouldn't be surprised if she was...last year they sprung that one by bringing back the girl who went on to become one of the final two.
I think those sports balls looked like playdough -something that would appeal to pre-schoolers :)
Apr 3, 5:47pm
Yes, they didn't look good. They might have been better off with cupcakes - with a boy theme and some girly ones. The whole episode was a bit strange really. I'm sure not many professional chefs have to cater for kids' parties?
Apr 3, 6:06pm
and I thought the ladies made a bit of a blue when they allowed some of the kids to help themselves to two and even three of the mini pavlovas.Sure, they may have loved them, but for each kid that took more than one, that was one vote they were assured of not getting from someone else.Crazy really.
Apr 3, 6:10pm
hadn't thought of that, but you could be right. She didn't really deserve to go home last night, as she was only doing what the team captain wanted.
Apr 3, 6:42pm
But someone's got to go home...the luck of the draw I guess
Apr 3, 8:19pm
But you could perhaps accept going home more easily if you'd been judged by the judges.There were so many variables.
Apr 3, 8:23pm
Agree Ellie - it was a gimmick. The judges would have given the ladies credit for making their own mini pavs instead of buying them like the men did.
Apr 3, 9:15pm
I also thought Tracey didn't do a good job in her selection of the team. If I am correct only 2 of them had children on their own..I would have at least chosen one male. I don't have children and cooked once for my nieces..the blandest food I could stomach and they still thought it too spicy. I like the show though, I think NZ is doing a better job than Australia and possibly the UK. Having 3 judges instead of two makes it more fair. What bugs me a bit is how Brett (winner of the first series) is now showcased as an 'expert'. He is charismatic and can cook, but he is not a trained chef.
Apr 3, 9:27pm
I guess you could say that, but at the same time at this stage of the game, they are all as good as one another, so no matter who goes it's got to be a darn shame.....but someone's gotta go
Apr 17, 4:50pm
That was a bit of a surprise last night, wasn't it. I wonder if they'll bring him back later? Those moulds they poured the chocolate into were interesting. Never seen anything like that before.
Apr 17, 5:52pm
Yes, although i think he is struggling a bit with some of these harder challenges. Thought last nights choc onewas a bit over the top for average cook, with no chef training and guess at this level it starts to show. Didn't they do well, working with all that choc, moulds, and lining that cone, would have not been easy with cameras in your face all the time.
Apr 17, 6:20pm
Once again...circus ring stuff, BJ.In the real world, Cameron would be put into the part of the kitchen he excelled in.Surely every chef doesn't have to be a generalist nowadays.Their training will encompass the range, but after that, just how many cupcake towers of terror does a restaurant need??
Edited to add:I watched it with a friend who instantly thought of the Novus TV ad after all those cracks appeared in the chocolate!
Apr 17, 6:25pm
I'd have preferred to see the chef make that tower in a masterclass. We could have learnt something about working with chocolate. Instead it all happened too quickly and, as you say, entertainment first and foremost.
Apr 17, 7:32pm
Really I thought it was a shame to loose anyone over that type of contest its been a while since they actually have cooked anything from thier own heart isn't it.It really comes down to luck in many ways with this type of challenge.
Much the same with the kids one the lady who cooked and decorated the best equal cake gets eliminated how fair is that.
Apr 17, 7:48pm
seems to be more luck then skill in this competition which is a shame as Cameron was great. My partner is a chef and does not enjoy this format of show he prefers the British version which gives the creative element and a chance to show their ability in a proper restaurant environment. I am sure Cameron will do well though in his future with so much admiration....
Apr 17, 10:12pm
I agree with everyone too... seems daft really and doesn't actually give a real indication of peoples skills as a cook.
I'd like to see the cooks have more time for a lot of the challenges... to pick ingredients and to cook... they could certainly edit it down if airtime was the issue...
I get a lil turned off by the blatant snobbery and rude comments from the judges.That may be fine for shows with trained chefs cooking for judges... but just seems totally unnecessary for NZ Masterchef.
Apr 17, 11:48pm
Its a pity Cameron went last night, but what really bugs me is that the NZ herald had it on the front page today and I hadn't watched it yet!!Not all of us watch the programme when aired.Its called record it and fast forward all the ads!
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