Does anyone have these recipes from an old book? Done an online search and can find nothing. :( I know they are both easy, the Peanut cake has no flour. If anyone can help Id be grateful!! TIA.
Jan 23, 10:19pm
Peanut Cake 3 eggs 3TBSPs boiling water 125gr sugar 500gr minced peanuts 1tsp b/powder Beat eggs until thick, add boiling water, then sugar, peanuts & b/powder. Line a tin with greaseproof paper& bake approx 3/4hr @ 180. When cold ice with choc icing.
Coconut recipe I have is Coconute Layer Cake & Coconut Dream. Is this either that you want.
Jan 23, 10:20pm
Edmonds Peanut Cake 3 eggs; 3tbsp boiling water; 125g sugar; 500g finely minced peanuts; 1tsp baking powder. Beat eggs till fluffy, gradually beat in boiling water then sugar and beat till thick. Fold in peanuts and baking powder.Greased 23cm/9" tin 180C approx 45mins. Ice with choc icing.
The only coconut cake in the same book is calledCoconut Layer Cake, with a cooked coconut/egg/lemon filling. Is that the one?
Jan 23, 10:20pm
Whoops hows that for timing
Jan 23, 10:28pm
Thanks so much to you both. :) No, the coconut cake did not have a filling at all. Hmmmmm. I will keep poking about and see what I come up with. I can tell you though that the Peanut cake is gorgeous!! Well, as I remember it. ;)
Jan 23, 11:01pm
Coconut Dream (no filling) Sounds yummy 125gr butter 125gr br sugar 1&1/2c flour 1tsp b/powder Cream butter & sugar, add siftedflour & b/powder. Press into a flat tin & bake 8mins @ 200 Topping: 2 eggs 1c br sugar 1tsp vanilla essence 1&1/2TBSP flour 1&1/2c coconut 1c chopped nuts 1/2tsp b/powder Beat eggs, add sugar& rest of ingredients. Pour over mixture & bake slowly until brown 40 -45 mins @ 160
Jan 24, 2:29am
Has anyone tried the peanut cake - I'd be very interested to know what sort of texture it is.TIA.
Jan 24, 3:00am
Sounds more spongey gardie. Hopefully lyan will get back to you.
Jan 24, 3:19am
But I didn't think peanuts would be spongy rather make it quite a heavy cake.Hmmm I wonder.May have to try it, I don't think peanuts are too expensive and it would be a great gluten free cake (I think).
Jan 24, 3:44am
Yes, but peanuts are finely minced so would only be traces of them through the cake.
Sep 19, 7:02pm
the old peanut cake is highly recommended to help boast your milk supply when breast feeding.
Jan 2, 2:37pm
The peanut cake is delicious. I used to make it often many moons ago as a young housewife in NZ. It is not a real heavy cake but lightly chewy if that makes sense. I have given the recipe to many over the years here in Australia as they had never had anything like it. I still have my Edmonds cook book, actually many different editions. My 3 girls also all have copies. :)
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