I was on the treadmill at the gym the other day, flipping through an old Woman's Day (think that is what it was) which had a pic of Fergie looking very aged on the front cover.Don't know the date, but would have to be after she disgraced herself last year sometime, selling access rights to Andrew.Inside was a section titled "Cheat's Treats" or Cheat's Desserts".There was a recipe for little tartlets using Buttercrunch biscuit base, and cream cheese/lemon curd for the filling.Can anyone help me out with the whole recipe/method please?It involved softening the biscuits in the microwave, before shaping them in patty pans.....
Jan 19, 11:33pm
Sounds yum.Hope someone comes up with the recipe.
Jan 20, 4:55am
Bumping for any Woman's Day readers.....
Jan 20, 5:00am
Quickly. Just go back to the gym, find the page and ask them to photocopy it for you. If not copy it out.
Jan 20, 5:40am
try googling the womens day website, it might be on there
Jan 20, 6:03am
Rather than Buzzy's helpful suggestion...you could just put the biscuits on top of the patty pan tray, warm in oven for a few minutes and then gently press each biscuit into each hollow. Then when cool fill with lemon curd and cream cheese that's been mixed in equal quantities or to taste.
Jan 20, 9:58am
I did go back to the gym this morning Buzzy and looked for the mag and it was not there.Apparently, they went through the mags yesterday and put out all the old ones in the rubbish!That's why I asked on here.
Jan 20, 9:43pm
God I hate it when they do that. Some magazine will be there for a hundred years at mine as well. I read it while I am on the treadmill or cross trainer, find a great recipe and then remember I need to copy it when I get home. Next day the jolly mag has gone!!!
Happens every time.
Jan 20, 10:12pm
Moral of the story....don't go to the gym, it will end in disappointment! Mwah
Jan 20, 10:55pm
I have it. 185gm butternut biscuits 180gm cream cheese chopped at room temp 1/3c lemon curd 1tsp finely grated lemon zest 1 tsp vanilla extract 1T caster sugar 1 lemon sliced Arrange 4 biscuits on microwave safe plate. Micro on med high power for 15-20 secs until softened. Use fingers to press into shallow patty pan. Repeat with remaining biscuits and allow to cool. Beat together cream cheese & lemon curd until smooth. Stir in zest and vanilla. Spoon 1T of mix into each biscuit base. Chill until required. Heat up small frying pan on medium. Sprinkle caster sugar over lemon slices and cook, turning for 2-3 mins until caramelised. Allow to cool before topping each cheesecake.
Jan 21, 3:06am
Awesome thanks rkcroft:)
Jan 21, 5:19am
I have never heard of butternut biscuits.Is this right?Recipe sounds yum.Thanks
Jan 21, 5:22am
I've been dying to ask the same. What ARE butternut biscuits?
Jan 21, 5:23am
What brand are butternut biscuits? Are they available in all supermarkets?
A discussion I found somewhere and can't find again suggested gingernuts as a substitute in a similar recipe.
Jan 21, 5:46am
yes they are Arnotts brand i think? I came across a recipe in an Austrailian mag at Christmas that was exactly like rkcrofts. You could also use a choc ganache in them as well which sounded yum to me :)
Jan 21, 5:53am
I have seen butternut snaps in Pak n Save. I tried to use a generic form - some pams or homebrand Anzac biscuit and heated them in microwave and got them soft but realised that the biscuit was a bit small and fat and wouldnt really fit into the muffin tin with much of a curve so sort of gave up on the idea, my kids thought the biscuits were yum as they were soft and warm and ate up most of them lol... in the meantime i had had the thought to use a rolling pin as it seemed such a waste and it did work sort of but I only had 3 left cause the rest had been eaten
Feb 16, 6:15pm
Thanks very much rkcroft!I looked for, but could not find, the butternut biscuits in Countdown.I recalled them being Arnotts.I bought McVities Hobnobs instead, but like the previous poster, have found them 'too fat' to work with.Instead, I have made pastry cases and will fill them tomorrow morning ready to take on our boat trip.There were a couple left over that would not fit into the container, so for our after dinner treat tonight, I put a couple of slices of banana into the base,heated a little bit of dark choc with a teaspoon of peanut butter, stirred it smooth and then spooned it over the banana.We ate them while still slightly warm.Oooooh, yum, and wicked!
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