Dish Magazine recipe

macwood2, Apr 27, 6:27pm
I was wondering if someone had a copy of Dish from June July 2010.It features a panna cotta recipe with honey and also a winter fruit (Apricots) recipe to serve with the panna cotta.I would so appreciate it if someone would post the recipes for me.TIA

lindylambchops1, Apr 27, 10:24pm
can't help sorry but bumping for you...good luck!

macwood2, Apr 27, 11:42pm
thanks lindylambchops1!!

nzhel, Aug 24, 7:49am
Try this link macwood2.
It covers the Dish Mags recipes from 2004 onwards and there are over 1000. I have had a quick look for you but didn't see the recipe you were after - but its bound to be there somewhere!